Forum Discussion

Michael Faulkinbury's avatar
Michael Faulkinbury
Copper Contributor
Sep 11, 2019

Access to cross-resource functions from within a function?

Step 1: Create a function (with alias 'productavailability') in an application insights instance.

            availabilityResults | where name == "blah"

Step 2: From a LA workspace, access the function using app('AppId').productavailability.  It works.
Step 3: Create a function in the LA workspace (with alias 'remoteproductavailability').  
Step 4: Execute the function.  Results in error:
            Unknown function: 'app'. Support id: ccc8637c-53cf-4364-b36b-e8b03bbe104b


Additional information - I can wrap a remote "table" (availabilityResults) in the function and it has no issue with the app().table syntax.


Any suggestions appreciated.

    • Michael Faulkinbury's avatar
      Michael Faulkinbury
      Copper Contributor

      CliveWatson Thanks for your reply. Sure.



      // definition saved with alias 'allproductmvp' 
      union withsource= SourceApp
      // end definition


      I can run the statement (function body) just fine, but when I try to run the function:



       results in the error posted.
      • CliveWatson's avatar
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        Michael Faulkinbury 


        I doubt it's this but you can try an isfuzzy=true in case one/both the the workspaces isn't available - I'll try and take a deeper look tomorrow.  e.g. 


        union isfuzzy=true withsource = SourceApp
        | parse SourceApp with * "('" applicationName "')" *  

