Forum Discussion

Florian Adler's avatar
Florian Adler
Copper Contributor
Jul 16, 2021

New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway - Public IP address referecne is required

Hi all, I'm currently trying to create an AVD environment with nearly all required infrastructure via PowerShell: VNETs, Host Pools, etc. Right now I'm stuck at the creation step of the VPN Gateway....
  • Florian Adler's avatar
    Florian Adler
    Jul 16, 2021
    Looks quite familiar with the Microoft Docs reference.

    Meanwhile I found the missing part: Instead of New-AzPublicIpAddress @gwpipconfig I had to type $gwpipconfig = New-AzPublicIpAddress @gwpipconfig. Otherwise any new parameter would get lost and not be available in the variable. Small mistake but bit issue.
