Forum Discussion

chandrab3009's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 15, 2021

Issue in access eventgrid using private end point

Hi experts, I need help in the below situation
1. Created a event grid topic( dynamic up for the url ( that is generated)
2. Vnet created with a subnet ( ex10.1.0.10)
3. Virtual network gateway for vnet
4. I have on premise vpn with firewall
5. Local network gateway with above vpn network details(ex
6. Created private endpoint for event grid by mapping above vnet.
 ( and ip mapping
7. Client applications which is in vpn network trying to access the event grid with its url not working. Tried to ping url it’s showing dynamic of event grid not the private end point.
Do you have any clue what could be the reason?? It seems local @firewall has an issue or routing issue??
Thankyou in advance
  • Remco8888's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    chandrab3009 That sounds like the dns is not configured properly. Have you registered the private endpoint in a private dns zone and are you using these zone in your client application? 

