Forum Discussion

NicolD's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 25, 2024

Az-firewall-mon(itor) - near real time Azure Firewall flow log analyser

Hello, networking expert! I’m excited to share with you an update on my personal open source project: az-Firewall-mon: Az-firewall-monitor is an open-source tool that helps you answer to the following question: what is happening in my azure Firewall right now?


It provides an alternative and opinionable way to access and inspect Azure Firewall logs, without using Log Analytics or Kusto queries. It provides a simple and intuitive interface that shows you what is happening on your firewall right now (or almost).

to filter your data you can use both a full text search or natural language thanks to his integration with chatGPT4.

Here a sample full text search interaction:



here a sample natural language interaction


Try out az-firewall-monitor at or have a look at the source code on GitHub at

Thank you!

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