Forum Discussion

bjarneabraham's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jan 11, 2021

MDI Sensor service wont start on AD FS server

I've installed the MDI sensor on one of my AD FS server according to the guide but the service will not start.


According to the logs it through the following exception:


2021-01-11 11:11:50.6085 Error Enumerable System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements
at TSource System.Linq.Enumerable.First<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource> source)
at void Microsoft.Tri.Sensor.DomainNetworkCredentialsManager.UpdateConfigurations(ConfigurationCollection configurations)
at Func<Task> Microsoft.Tri.Infrastructure.ActionExtension.ToAsyncFunction(Action action)+(TItem _) => { }
at async Task Microsoft.Tri.Infrastructure.ConfigurationManager.RegisterConfigurationAsync(Func<ConfigurationCollection, Task> onConfigurationsUpdateAsync, Type[] configurationTypes)
at void Microsoft.Tri.Infrastructure.TaskExtension.Await(Task task)
at object lambda_method(Closure, object[])
at object Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.ConstructorParameterBinding.Instantiate()
at void Microsoft.Tri.Infrastructure.ModuleManager.AddModules(Type[] moduleTypes)
at new Microsoft.Tri.Sensor.SensorModuleManager()
at ModuleManager Microsoft.Tri.Sensor.SensorService.CreateModuleManager()
at async Task Microsoft.Tri.Infrastructure.Service.OnStartAsync()
at void Microsoft.Tri.Infrastructure.TaskExtension.Await(Task task)
at void Microsoft.Tri.Infrastructure.Service.OnStart(string[] args)


The install reported that auditing was not configured correctly but according the to guide it is in place (I can see the events in the security log).


Any ideas on what I can do to start the service?

  • bjarneabraham 
    go to the sensor list in MDI portal, click on this new sensor name, and add to the list in the dialog a fully qualified DC name that it can use to resolve AD entities.

    once that it should start fine within a few minutes. 

  • bjarneabraham 
    go to the sensor list in MDI portal, click on this new sensor name, and add to the list in the dialog a fully qualified DC name that it can use to resolve AD entities.

    once that it should start fine within a few minutes. 

      • gjkoster's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Ehab_Communities I think that installing on the ADFS server is sufficient. The ADFS-Proxy is just that, a proxy, it does not do any validation of requests, it only passes them through to the actual ADFS server to process.

        Atleast that's how I think it works.


      • bjarneabraham's avatar
        Brass Contributor
        It worked 🙂
        I was not able to see this in the install guide?
        At the moment I've added two DC's to the list - it do now have a health issue towards one of them which seems strange as the sensor logs indicate that it's communicating with both DCs in the list?
