Forum Discussion
ATP and group managed service account not working on RODC
EliOfek Case 120091525000664 created. The technician is indicating that there are issues with npcap or winpcap. We have other servers in our environment which are running ATP sensor without either NPCAP or WINPCAP.Are either required for AZURE ATP sensor? I do not see them listed in the pre-requisites here
19873306 , if you don't have npcap installed before you install the sensor,
the sensor deployment will auto install a "local" winpcap install. you won't see it in "add\remove" programs, but you can see the driver service running with this command:
sc qc npf
- EliOfekSep 19, 2020Microsoft
So it seems you are over the initial issue.As for the Gmsa issue, it's a bit more tricky.
Check errors and warnings in both the sensor logs and the updater logs around this time span to see if you get new insights about what went wrong, or else I suggest opening a support case as it might be tricky.
- 19873306Sep 18, 2020Copper Contributor
EliOfek I uninstalled the sensor, rebooted, then reinstalled.
I now have
C:\WINDOWS\system32>sc qc npf
[SC] QueryServiceConfig SUCCESSSERVICE_NAME: npf
BINARY_PATH_NAME : \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\npf.sys
TAG : 0
DISPLAY_NAME : NetGroup Packet Filter Driver
However, the sensor still will not start
Partial error message:
2020-09-18 22:55:35.0283 Warn DirectoryServicesClient CreateLdapConnectionAsync failed to retrieve group managed service account password.
The referenced group managed service account is installed on the server, ands tests true from powershell.
Partial event log message in directory services indicate the password is fetched successfully:
A caller successfully fetched the password of a group managed service account.
Group Managed Service Account Object:
CN=Microsoft Azure ATP Sensor,OU=ATP,OU=Azure - EliOfekSep 17, 2020Microsoft
19873306 Make sure you are running elevated when running this.
If you still can't find npf driver, check also
sc qc npcap
If you don't have this one as well, then you have no capturing driver installed, which means the sensor cannot work.
I would try to uninstall and reinstall. if the same problem returns, it means you have something that is somehow blocking or reversing the driver installation.
Most likely a 3rd party security software, so try to disable during before deployment to see if it makes things work.
- 19873306Sep 17, 2020Copper Contributorsc qc npf does not return anything.
I also tried powershell get-service:
Get-Service npf
Get-Service : Cannot find any service with service name 'npf'.
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-Service npf
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (npf:String) [Get-Service], ServiceCommandException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoServiceFoundForGivenName,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetServiceCommand