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Oct 08, 2021

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.10.08

The top stories from the #AzureDevOps #community for 2021.10.08 are here!


Welcome back! I am Jay Gordon and every week I try to bring you the latest updates from around the DevOps on Azure community. If you have a post you’d like to have me include, I am always listening. This includes any community events or even videos you’ve posted. You can reach out on Twitter or LinkedIn and I will be sure to share your latest post with the community. Also, be sure to tag your posts with #AzureDevOps!


Before I get into this week’s post, I just wanted to share that I’ll be hosting Create: DevOps on Microsoft Learn TV on October 21. 2021 at 9 AM PT. I’ll be joined by Steven Murawski as we welcome presentations from some amazing speakers from across DevOps. We’ll have people like Donovan Brown, Martin Woodward, Quintessence Anx, April Edwards, Alex Hidalgo, and Kat Cosgrove.


When: Thursday, October 21, 2021
Where: Microsoft LearnTV
How: Register here for free

I really hope you join us for this great opportunity to hear about DevOps culture, tools, and cloud-native implementation.

Well, we have another great week of contributions from the community. I’ve got a jumbo-sized update this week. So let’s dive into the posts on subjects like GitHub Actions, service hooks, git, monitoring, and more.

Reuse your workflows across multiple projects with GitHub Actions
Damien Aicheh shares how to reduce duplication when creating GitHub Actions workflows by reusing what you have already built.


How to: Service Hooks Mapping on Azure DevOps
Vinicius Moura is one of our most prolific contributors, and this week he comes with a script to list all of your Service Hooks (in all Team Projects) within the Azure DevOps organization.


Video: What is a Git Merge Conflict?
Cameron McKenzie describes what a git merge conflict is and how to resolve issues that may arise.


Azure DevOps – Managed Identity for Automation Tests
Dylan Morley provides insight into how to create service connections to securely run your tests.


Azure DevOps with Pipeline for Azure Storage Munki repo
Tobias Almen continues his series on Munki by setting up a pipeline to sync data into Azure Storage.


DevOps Master Class – Part 8 – Monitoring & Feedback
John Savill always brings some great content to the DevOps community and this week is no different as he covers monitoring and feedback.


Sergio Govoni shares his new CLI for ad hoc, interactive execution of commands on SQL Server to simulate specific workloads, anonymize sensitive data and much more.


Azure DevOps Connect To Azure Cloud Using Service Principal
Jinalkumar Patel provides a tutorial on using a Service Principal to connect your Azure DevOps Pipelines to Azure.

Thank you to all this week’s contributors! We appreciate the posts by Damien, Vinicius, Cameron, Dylan, Tobias, John, Sergio, and Jinalkumar.

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!

Happy Friday, may your deploys go as planned and your weekend be fun!

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