Forum Discussion

Suresh_Godaba's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 03, 2021

Service Principals and realtime use cases

  Hi All,   looking for simple explanation for service principals for better understanding and reals use cases in my subscription.   Please provide your suggestions for the same.
  • ibnmbodji's avatar
    Apr 03, 2021

    If you are familiar with service account in active directory may be it can help to better understand .
    Service principal like service account is used to avoid putting user credentials in a deployment or an install .
    If you want to deploy a Service that need domain admin or whatever role in AD you will use  a service account instead of a user one . 
    The same apply in Azure if you want to deploy something in an automated fashionn you should not pick a user identity . You should  create a service principal or use an existing  that will facilitate authentication to other services .Then you can apply a least privilege strategy . Also service principal are a common way to authenticate for automation tools like Terraform or Azure DevOps or some others services like Azure Kubernetes Service .
    You can authenticate as SP with Password or Certificate .
