Forum Discussion

Sindi_Jacobsson's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 13, 2022

Report for tasks moved from one Sprint to another

Good Day 

I need help. How do I run a report to see tasks that were moved from one Sprint to another. I am currently on Sprint 4, I want to see tasks that were moved from Sprint 2 to Sprint 3 to Sprint 4 and just tasks that were moved from previous Sprint to the current one.

  • trishmcdonough's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Are you just moving the Task and leaving the parent work item in the original sprint?

    If so, you could do a 'Work Items and Direct Links' query to return tasks where the parent has a different iteration path.
    • Prabhatnath's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Hi, trishmcdonough can you help explain a little about this approach from Power BI or any other way? Sindi_Jacobsson are you able to get this working? I am also looking for an approach to identify work items that have been moved from the previous sprint to the current.
    • Sindi_Jacobsson's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      trishmcdonough Thank you for the response. Yes, I only want to see the tasks that moved from one sprint to another and leaving the parent. Can you please assist on how I run the 'Work Items and Direct Links' Query?

  • Ian_Donaldson's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    None that I know of.

    I initially thought this would be easy. I.e. Query items with Iteration Path = currentIteration, and WAS EVER in previousIteration clause (or specify Iterations is necessary). Alas, the WAS EVER option doesn't seem to be available for the Iteration Path (Sprint) field ๐Ÿ˜ž

    There'd be a way using PowerBI consuming an Analytics view (with [include item History] option). But that's a disproportionate amount of effort (unless you're using it for other insights) ๐Ÿ˜ž

    I'd also be keen to know if anybody else finds an easy way.

    Meantime, a couple of alternatives/crutches:
    - We've added "Activation Date" field to Backlog Columns and Board Cards. It makes an Items age a bit more visible. That field gets auto-populated when Item moves from New to any In Progress state (if it's not standard, then we added a trigger or process-rule]. On the Board we color-code cards that have Activation Date > N days.
    - I heard of some teams that add a "Carried Once", "Carried Twice" (and so on) Tag to Items as part of Sprint changeover. Thus giving visibility and options to Query/filter (... and more importantly, the option to do analysis and discussion about what might be going on with carried items).
    • Sindi_Jacobsson's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Hi Ian. Thank you for the response. Can you please help with the " I heard of some teams that add a "Carried Once", "Carried Twice" (and so on) Tag"
      How do I do that, if you do not mind helping.
      • Ian_Donaldson's avatar
        Brass Contributor
        Hi Sindi, re "Carried" tags:
        Scrum guide says to return incomplete sprint Items to the backlog. In practice, some teams will continue them next sprint. If a "Carried" tag is added to those Items (say, during Sprint Planning), it gives a way to filter the Board and Backlog by Tag, and you'd see all the Item with Carried tag. So, although not a "report", you can get a list/view.
