Forum Discussion

ricassky12's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 09, 2024

cannot restore nuget telerik packages with linux server but works fine with windows server

any help?

  • chamindac's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    ricassky12 using below nuget.config makes it work for both Windows and Linux. Replace %telerik_api_key% with your telerik api key.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <!-- Allow NuGet to download missing packages -->
            <add key="enabled" value="True" />
            <!-- Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio -->
            <add key="automatic" value="True" />
            <clear />
            <add key="NuGet official package source" value="" />
            <add key="telerik" value="" />
            <!-- All non-disabled sources are active -->
            <add key="All" value="(Aggregate source)" />
                <add key="Username" value="api-key" />
                <add key="ClearTextPassword" value="%telerik_api_key%" />

