Forum Discussion
Jan 11, 2021Copper Contributor
Backup Azure Services
Hello Everyone, I want to have a copy of all Services I have created, and delete them after having a copy. I don't know if I can do a backup for services only and restor them when I need them. I a...
Jan 13, 2021Copper Contributor
Thank you for replying.
Well, I did not get you. I have created many Services and they are charged on daily basis and I want to delete them, but before that, I want to have a copy of these services and when I need them I can gain import them.
For example Event Hubs, Stream analytics...etc.
I find that I can do export Template, but I did not where to import template to test and see if they will get back as I create after I delete them.
Jan 13, 2021Steel Contributor
I mean when you export the template you are exporting the declaration file of the resource .
So whenever you deploy with this declaration you will get exactly what you want .
You can use the following tutorial to start with arm + powershell you can do it also with azure cli :
Deploy resources with PowerShell and template - Azure Resource Manager | Microsoft Docs
Deploy resources with Azure CLI and template - Azure Resource Manager | Microsoft Docs
Also you can deploy it directely from the portal (feature still in preview )
Deploy custom templates from the preview portal | Mises à jour Azure | Microsoft Azure