Forum Discussion

Alex69570's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 25, 2022

AzureAD MSGraph Add user in Administrative Unit

HI !


I use a powershell script to create users in my Azure environnement and I want to put each one of them in a specific Administrative unit.


For technical reasons I must do this with powershell core 7 and MS graph api because it's in an app.

I have all credentials to read and write with my app in Administrative Unit


For the moment I can read the administrative units, but whan I want to add an user in one of them I have always the same error (400) invalide request.


My code :

$UriAAU ={Administrative unit Id}/members/{user id}"
$AddUserAAU = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $UriAAU -Method POST -Headers $authorization -Verbose:$false -ContentType "application/json"


$UriAAU return a valid Uri with Administrative unit and user id.


Did someone ever try that ? did it worked ?


Thank you !!





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