Forum Discussion
May 15, 2024Copper Contributor
Hi, Today,I was setting up my azure dashboard and it just changed. It suddenly turned into a fake dashboard.
The onedrive and outlook, he sent tasks, and corrupted a lot of files, and deleted a bunch of them, the email also all that as related to him got corrupted (the files became a deformed image).Its a hacker who is been harassing me. But he is escalating. He is even on the Krebsonsecurity blog, 2013, among 33 hackers who took down the internet.
So I was investigating it, and figured out how he is doing it. He uses (MACOS), creating several tasks e sent tasks through calendar. It removes attachments from email (and replaces it with just a pic of it, distorted). Delete some emails, moves other to another folder, and who knows what else.
This is a MAJOR THREAT. Does anyone has any suggestions on how to fix it?
- This action attaches files to a Mail message. REQUIRES - The Mail application must be running and there must be an outgoing message. IMPUT (Files/Folders) The files to be attached are passed in from the previous action. RESULT Mail messages
- This action tells the Mail viewer window to focus on the passed in mailboxes and/or messages. IMPUT - Mail messages, Mail mailboxes. RESULT - Mail messages
- This action determines if the input items meet the specified criteria. IMPUT Mail messages, Mail mailboxes, Mail accounts RESULT Mail messages, Mail mailboxes, Mail accounts
- This action lets you search for items with the specified criteria. IMPUT Mail messages, Mail mailboxes, Mail accounts RESULT Mail messages, Mail mailboxes, Mail accounts
- This action extracts files attached to mail messages and saves them to the selected location. IMPUT Mail messages RESULT (Files/Folders) Attached files are passed to the next action
- This action will launch the Mail application and attempt to retrieve new mail messages for the specified account or all accounts. IMPUT Anything RESULT Anything
- This action gets the selected items and passes them to the following action. IMPUT Mail messages, Mail mailboxes, Mail accounts RESULT Mail messages, Mail mailboxes, Mail accounts
- This action passes the specified Mail items into the next action. IMPUT Mail items RESULT Mail Items
- This action creates a copy of the prepared Mail message for each of the passed in people. REQUIRES An outgoing message open in Mail prepared with subject, content and any attachments IMPUT Contacts items, Contacts people, Contacts groups RESULT Mail messages RELATED ACTION Send Outgoing Messages NOTE The message copies are not sent by this action.
- This action creates a new outgoing message in Mail. IMPUT (Anything) If text is received from a previous action, the text is appended to the message. If files are received from a previous action, the files are attached to the message. RESULT Mail messages RELATED ACTION Send Outgoing Messages
- This action creates a new Reminders item. If given input, it will use the input as the titles of the reminders. IMPUT Text RESULT Reminders
- This action sends an email with a birthday greeting. IMPUT Contacts people RESULT Mail messages RELATED ACTION Find People with Birthdays, Send Outgoing Messages
- This action sends the outgoing email messages in the Mail application. IMPUT Mail messages RESULT Mail messages, NOTE If outgoing messages are passed from the previous action, only they will be sent. If no messages are passed in, all outgoing messages will be sent.
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