Forum Discussion

surendra-p's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 02, 2024

azure board what is the max page size limit for get project level iteration api

i am using classificationnodes iteration api what if the number of project level iterations exceeds this limit how can we retrieve the next set of iterations using pagination?

can we use filter as search iterations by name ?

can we user top and skip for this api?
please explain the use of parameter and any example if possible.

  • surendra-p's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    balasubramanim  i can fetch the project level iterations each iteration has id,

    identifier,name .

    can we get the project level iteration details by id i have used bellow api:
    GET _apis/wit/classificationnodes/iterations/{id}?api-version=7.1-preview.1
    but its not working 

    • balasubramanim's avatar
      Iron Contributor


      The Azure DevOps API does not support fetching iteration details by ID. 
      Try this step

      Fetch all iterations using $depth
      GET _apis/wit/classificationnodes/iterations?$depth=2&api-version=7.1-preview.1

      Filter the result by ID on the client side.

      Direct id lookup is not supported.

  • surendra-p's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    balasubramanim   any idea as i have one parent level iteration ie projectName , that has number of iteration is there any limitation for per page response to fetch the iterations and use continuationToken for next page response

    • balasubramanim's avatar
      Iron Contributor


      1. Limit on Iterations - If the number of iterations exceeds the API's response limit, Azure DevOps uses a continuation token to fetch the next set of data.
      2. Pagination - Use the x-ms-continuationtoken from the response header in subsequent requests as ?continuationToken=<token> until no token is returned.
      3. Filter by Name - The API does not support direct filtering by name. Fetch all iterations and filter them client-side.
      4. $top and $skip - These parameters are not supported for this API.

      Example: GET{organization}/{project}/_apis/wit/classificationnodes/Iterations?$depth=3&api-version=7.1-preview.1

      Use the continuation token from the response header in subsequent requests for large data sets. 
