Forum Discussion
Feb 27, 2018Iron Contributor
Report on users with MFA Enabled
We are not currently enforcing MFA for all users, but have sent out instructions to allow users to self-enroll in MFA ( Looking at the status of users who I know have enabled...
- Feb 28, 2018
No, your users are not enabling MFA for themselves by using those URLs, That's a fact. You may have some other configuration going on.
Mar 16, 2021Copper Contributor
Very similar to what others have suggested, but puts an output "mfastatus.csv" CSV in C:\Temp
get-MsolUser -all | select DisplayName,UserPrincipalName,@{N="MFA Status"; E={ if( $_.StrongAuthenticationRequirements.State -ne $null){ $_.StrongAuthenticationRequirements.State} else { "Disabled"}}} | Export-CSV c:\temp\mfastatus.csv -noTypeInformation