Forum Discussion
Registering Azure AD App in National Clouds
Including the global cloud, Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is deployed in the following national clouds:
Azure Government
Azure Germany
Azure China 21Vianet
National cloud Azure AD portal endpoint
Azure AD for US Government
Azure AD Germany
Azure AD China operated by 21Vianet
Azure AD (global service)
Right, so if I want to get an OAuth token for a customer using one of the national clouds, I need to have the app that is requesting the token registered in that cloud, is that correct? How to do I do that? I assume I need to log into the Azure portal that you listed for the given cloud? Do I need a Microsoft Work/School account in that cloud to do so? (It looks like yes, but can I get one, for instance, for Germany, which is not accepting new customers?)
- SeshadrrJun 02, 2021Iron ContributorSeems your requirement can fulfill by following link that when you want to use the Azure Active Directory in the national cloud or sovereign for eg: cloud Microsoft Azure Germany inkybuckJun 02, 2021Copper Contributor
That has to do with Azure Stack, which I'm not using, although I see it does involve registering applications in Azure AD. However, to do so, one of the steps is: "When we are prompted to enter the AAD credentials, it is important to have an AAD tenant in Microsoft Azure Germany." This is the problem, whether using a PowerShell script, the portal, or whatever other means there are for registering an app, as far as I know you need to log into Azure AD Germany. Since I don't have an account and it is not accepting new customers, how do I do this?
- SeshadrrJun 02, 2021Iron ContributorI haven't tried this approach, however theoretically when performing the requests against a National Cloud tenant, you must use the appropriate endpoints
Please try this above procedure, else you would need to contact MS support case to get it more clarity rather than this forum. Thanks for your understanding