Forum Discussion

steve144's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 09, 2022

deployment error

hello every one
please any azure experienced developer in the house??
i need help deploying an core mvc application on azure
i get this error message which i have been trying to debug for  while now with no solution yet
below is the error message
Template deployment failed. Deployment operation statuses: Failed: /subscriptions/bbbe13c0-a220-4286-b500-b9929f2f6d60/resource
Groups/BethanysPieShop20/deployments/website_deployment_20220107101611 (exception)
error (SubscriptionIsOverQuotaForSku): This region has quota of 0 instances for your subscription. Try selecting different region or SKU.
the only thing i can discover from the error message is that its complaining about my location, please how do i solve this thanks
  • Have you got any existing apps deployed in the same subscription? Each Azure subscription has a quota limiting the number of each type of resource that can be deployed. Details on checking quota limits can be found here:

    As the error suggests, you can potentially work round this by choosing a different SKU (VM/ App size) or by changing region, or by requesting a quota increase.
    • steve144's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hi Chris, no I haven't deployed any app on the subscription, this is the first app I want to deploy,

      please can we have a zoom or teams session so you show me how to go around it, I have tried changing the vm/region but it's still flagging the same error message.


      • ChrisBradshaw's avatar
        Iron Contributor
        Sorry, I'm not able to do a zoom/teams session, if you want that level of support then your best bet is to open a support request with Microsoft through the Azure Portal.

        Which VM size and Region are you trying to use?
    • steve144's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Okay, thanks a lot for your assistance Chris, I really appreciate
