Forum Discussion

Jagrati_Gupta's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 12, 2023

Issue Retrieving File Content from SharePoint Using Microsoft Graph API - Seeking Resolution

Hello Microsoft Tech Community,


I am facing a problem while attempting to retrieve the content of a file saved on SharePoint using the Microsoft Graph API. I have tried multiple approaches, but unfortunately, I am encountering errors.


Approach 1:



var fileContentStream = await graph.Shares[drive.WebUrl].DriveItem.Content



Error: "Resource not found."


Approach 2:



var fileContentStream = await graph.Drives[drive.ParentReference.Id]



Error: "Malformed drive.ParentReference.Id."


Approach 3:



var fileContentStream = await graph.Groups[groupId]



Error: "Malformed drive.Id."


It's worth noting that the file I am attempting to access is confirmed to exist on SharePoint and is accessible through the SharePoint interface. I have verified the correctness of the drive.Id and drive.ParentReference.Id with the file saved on SharePoint, and they match.


I would appreciate any insights, guidance, or solutions the community can provide to help resolve this issue.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.



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