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Introducing the new file attachment scanner for Microsoft Tech Community

Allen's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
Jul 18, 2024

At Microsoft, we are always looking for ways to help our users stay safe and secure online. That's why we are excited to announce the launch of our new file attachment scanner for the Microsoft Tech Community. This feature will scan any file that you want to upload to the community for viruses and malware, it will then alert you if there is a virus detected and remove the file.




We hope that this feature will help you feel more confident and secure when sharing files with other community members, and when accessing files from other sources. However, we also want to remind you that the file attachment scanner is not a substitute for your own vigilance and you should always treat any file that you download from the Microsoft Tech Community as potentially insecure, and scan it with your own antivirus software before opening it. The file attachment scanner is here to help you, but the ultimate responsibility to check files remains with you.


If you find any files the virus scanner has missed that you believe are malicious or harmful please do use the 'report inappropriate content' button next to the post and we will review it and decide what action, if any is needed. 


If you have any questions or feedback about the attachment file scanner, please let us know in the comments below. We appreciate your support and participation in the Microsoft Tech Community, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Updated Jul 18, 2024
Version 7.0
  • Deleted , at Excel Hub attachments practically in every second post. Or, if people are not allowed to add attachments, they share the link on OneDrive, DropBox, whatever. Without the files Excel hub is not workable.

  • Hi, mattarnoldd

    I never download files from other users to my computers in MTC, I just (ZeroTrust) wonder in what format, so often you share files on this Forum?

  • mattarnoldd's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    This is a fantastic feature, Microsoft! I frequently share files on the forum and it gives me more confidence knowing there's an extra layer of security. Thanks!