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Microsoft Viva Goals feature releases for July–September 2023

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Oct 20, 2023

During the last quarter, the Microsoft Viva Goals team focused on feature enhancements that continue to enable collaboration, help deepen engagement, as well as make it easier to share and track objective and key results (OKRs). We are proud to announce the general availability of features that not only address these needs but also help further enhance the Viva Goals experience.


Interactive collaboration and easier sharing


Viva Goals is committed to collaboration and sharing information and as part of this commitment we are proud to announce the availability of two new features. The first enables users to interact with Viva Goals from within Microsoft Teams and the second provides an easier and navigable way to readily present OKRs in PowerPoint. Together both these features make it easier to collaborate, interact, and share details on Viva Goals OKRs.


  • Interact with Viva Goals directly within Microsoft Teams allows users to share links from Viva Goals as rich adaptive cards in Microsoft Teams. The rich adaptive card provides preview on status and links for users to readily get the context needed around the goals they are working towards. 


To share Viva Goals OKR as a rich adaptive card, you can either copy/paste the URL address or click the ellipses and select ‘Copy link’. Simply paste the link into Microsoft Teams chat where the Viva Goals OKR will automatically appear as a rich adaptive card.


Rich adaptive Viva Goals OKR card in Microsoft Teams chat.


Without losing focus or clicking away from the conversation, users are able to see OKR details in Viva Goals by clicking “View details” or “Open in app” in the OKR adaptive card.


Viewing OKR details from within Viva Goals.


  • Export Viva Goals OKR view to PowerPoint allows users to export content into PowerPoint. By clicking “Export as PowerPoint” in Viva Goals, it will generate a PowerPoint slide for each OKR selected.


Once in PowerPoint users can easily share and edit information relevant for business reviews, planning, closeouts or other rhythm of business needs.


PowerPoint slide with exported Viva Goals OKRs and details.


Help drive engagement with personalized content


We understand the challenges in driving employee engagement on the goals and OKRs relevant to them. To help improve OKR collaboration and engagement, Viva Goals provides the ability to personalize activity feeds. With personalized activity feeds, the right information is available to the right people, enabling employees to stay up-to-date and make more informed decisions.


  • Personalized activity feed empowers users, including non-OKR owners, to receive updates from leaders and people they work with regularly on the OKRs that are relevant to them. Designed to help users stay informed, each user’s activity page will include activity on the goals they care about. By clicking on the “Feed” button in the left-hand navigation bar, Viva Goals users can quickly check status, see progress, as well as view comments and reactions from people relevant to their goals/OKRs.


Viva Goals personalized activity feed


Better tracking and visibility into OKR progress with child-level targets


To help customers follow the ebbs and flows of their business, we are pleased to announce the ability to incorporate tracking/progress for child level OKRs. With this enhancement, Viva Goals customers with greater visibility into the overall OKR progress and ability to better track dependencies.


  • Improved phased target to reflect child-level OKRs feature provides customers with the ability to track progress at the child level. Taking into consideration key business rhythms, users can factor seasonality by setting child OKR expected targets for specific time periods. This provides customers with greater visibility into parent OKR progress and ability to better track overall progress.


Check out these resources for the latest on Viva Goals


Updated Oct 19, 2023
Version 1.0
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