LOL Anna_Bolton thank you for sharing my response here! I came to this page, this morning, to do that and you saved me the time 🙂
Anna and Mandoss about the Storylines tab—we don’t currently have plans to remove the Storylines tab, however we have been discussing it. Our observation through telemetry is that it doesn’t get a lot of visits.
I would love to share our thinking here and get your thoughts!
There are three major features on this tab:
- the “discovery” feed which is just like the feed on HOME—personalized by AI to recommend the most relevant posts—but limited to storyline (Home also includes community posts). This feed seems to be particularly challenging on Storyline because a) there are fewer people posting to their storylines than communities (tho that could change) and b) viewers often see those posts elsewhere (including Home) and therefore the relevance and value of the feed on Storylines is lower.
- the Following feed which shows a reverse chronological view of storylines you have explicitly followed. The discovery feed includes these too (and generally they will be ranked higher than posts from storylines you don’t follow). This feed eliminates “recommendations” and lets you catch up with people you follow, period.
- the ALL feed shows you all storyline posts in your network and we believe is useful for admins and storyline “stakeholders”
with the tab getting low visits we are thinking of moving those feeds elsewhere in the UX and removing the aggregated storylines specific destination (tab). Like I said, it’s not happening right away so you can drive adoption of storyline with that tab today. But we would love your thoughts and observations as an input to future thinking!!! Thanks!!!