Blog Post


Windows Server “8” Beta – Hyper-V Replica

Virtualization-Team's avatar
Brass Contributor
Mar 21, 2019
First published on TECHNET on Mar 09, 2012
Hyper-V Replica (HVR) is a new feature in Windows Server “8” Beta that provides asynchronous replication of Hyper-V virtual machines for BCDR (Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery) scenarios.

Watch this space for in depth blogs from the Hyper-V Replica team on how-to’s, tips & tricks, sample PS cmdlets, commentary on some of the engineering decisions (eg: why do we support server names in the product and not IP addresses, why did we design resync and scenarios where it would be used).

To know more about HVR, see Understand and Troubleshoot Hyper-V Replica . A quick summary which demonstrates the feature capabilities is available here .

We want this to be an interactive dialogue between you and the engineers that built this - so appreciate your comments/feedback !

Stay tuned and watch for posts with the HVR tag...

- Hyper-V Replication Team

Updated Mar 21, 2019
Version 2.0
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