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Moving the Service Manager and DW Databases

System-Center-Team's avatar
Feb 15, 2019
First published on TECHNET on Apr 22, 2012
People have been asking for a long time how they can move the Service Manager and data warehouse databases.  It's actually a non-trivial process so we needed to do some testing and get an official procedure documneted.  We have finally released that procedure in the SCSM 2012 RTM documentation - at least for the ServiceManager database.  It's a little tricky to find because it is buried in the upgrade guide and mixed in with the steps required to create a test environment from a production environment.

These are the steps required to move the Service Manager database:

1) Stop the System Center services on all the management servers

2) Backup the ServiceManager database

3) Restore the Service Manager database on the target SQL Server

4) Configure the Service Manage database ( except don't do step #17 at the end )

5) Configure the registry on all the management servers to point to the new SQL Server:

Open the registry editor (Start -> run, type regedit)

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftSystem Center2010CommonDatabase

There are two keys that can be configured here - one for the server name (DatabaseServerName) and one for the database name (DatabaseName)

Set those values to the new SQL Server name and database name (if different than originally).

6) Start the System Center services on all the management servers

7) Install another Service Manager (with a different name) database on the same SQL Server by installing another Service Manager management server and choosing to create a new database.  This will populate the master database with error message text so that if there is an error in the future the error message can display the specific problem text and not just a generic message.  Once the DB is installed you can drop it from the SQL Server and uninstall the additional, temporary management server.

If you have recently installed SCSM it might be easier to just unregister the data warehouse, install a new datawarehouse, and register it again.  As long as the data hasn't been groomed from the SCSM database yet, there will be no data loss in the DW database because it will all be sync'd back over again.  By default the grooming interval for work items is 90 days from the last time a work item was modified.  So - if you installed SCSM anytime within the last 90 days and you haven't changed the grooming interval you can just unregister the DW, install a new DW, and register it with SCSM.  That's much easier than the DW DB move documentation we are going to put out.

A special thanks to Manoj Parvathaneni (Senior Support Escalation Engineer), Ranganathan Srikanth (Senior Program Manager), and John Downing (Senior Technical Writer) for going to extra effort to get this documented.

Update : the DW move documentation is now here:

Updated Mar 11, 2019
Version 4.0
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