First published on TECHNET on Jan 21, 2016
~ Andy Nadarewistsch | Senior Support Escalation Engineer
Hi everyone, Andy Nadarewistsch here from the Microsoft DPM and Azure backup team with quick support tip for you. When attempting an Azure backup, you may experience a problem where the backup job fails immediately with the following symptoms:
1. In Microsoft Azure Backup, you have a backup job that fails immediately with the following error:
Backup cannot be completed. Error: Operation failed.
The Error tab on the Job Details dialog will also contain the following:
Job failed with error (Operation failed. (0x1D4C2))
2. The CloudBackup Event Log contains an Event ID 11 similar to the one below:
Log Name: CloudBackup
Source: CloudBackup
Date: <Date/Time>
Event ID: 11
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Computer: <ServerName>
The backup operation has completed with errors.
Looking at details tab shows something similar to the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <CBJob><JobId>601c22e6-2283-487c-9d2f-7721ec21e1bf</JobId><JobType>Backup</JobType><JobStatus><JobState>Aborted</JobState><StartFileTime>130966313434530377</StartFileTime><EndFileTime>130966313434530377</EndFileTime><FailedFileLog></FailedFileLog><ErrorInfo><ErrorCode>120002</ErrorCode><DetailedErrorCode>-2147024773</DetailedErrorCode><ErrorParamList/></ErrorInfo><DatasourceStatus><CBDatasourceStatus><JobState>Aborted</JobState><LastCompletedJobState>Initializing</LastCompletedJobState><ErrorInfo><ErrorCode>120002</ErrorCode><DetailedErrorCode>-2147024773</DetailedErrorCode><ErrorParamList/></ErrorInfo><Datasource><DataSourceId>1377471703</DataSourceId><DataSourceName>D:\</DataSourceName></Datasource><ByteProgress><Total>0</Total><Changed>0</Changed><Progress>0</Progress><Failed>0</Failed></ByteProgress><FileProgress><CurrentFile></CurrentFile><Total>0</Total><Changed>0</Changed><Progress>0</Progress><Failed>0</Failed></FileProgress></CBDatasourceStatus></DatasourceStatus></JobStatus></CBJob>
3. The following exception appears in CBEngine.log:
7F28 11C0 01/08 19:30:13.086 18 dsmfsenumerator.cpp(150) [000000001A86EA60] 8A0B2420-2B0F-4AAF-AE82-2B0A04A0773B WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x8007007b] : FindFirstFile failed For Dir:\\?\D:\Scratch\\Scratch\*
7F28 11C0 01/08 19:30:13.086 18 fsutils.cpp(2354) 8A0B2420-2B0F-4AAF-AE82-2B0A04A0773B WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x8007007b] : FindFirstFile failed for Path [\\?\D:\Scratch\\Scratch\], FileSpec [*]
This issue typically occurs due to a double backslash (“ \\ ”) in the scratch location path in the registry.
To fix this problem, modify the following registry keys to reflect the correct path of the scratch location:
HLKM\Software\Microsoft \Windows Azure Backup\Config\ScratchLocation
HLKM\Software\Microsoft \Windows Azure Backup\Config\CloudBackupProvider\ScratchLocation
Here are the steps:
1. Run Regedit.
2. Navigate to the following Registry keys:
HLKM\Software\Microsoft \Windows Azure Backup\Config\
HLKM\Software\Microsoft \Windows Azure Backup\Config\CloudBackupProvider\
3. In each registry key above, double-click the ScratchLocation value and remove the extra “\” in the path, or modify the path to reflect the correct location. Here’s what it would look like when fixing the paths shown in our screen shots above.
4. Once both registry keys have been edited, click OK and then retest the backup. At this point the backup job should complete successfully.
Hope this helps!
Andy Nadarewistsch | Senior Support Escalation Engineer | Microsoft
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DPM 2012 R2
~ Andy Nadarewistsch | Senior Support Escalation Engineer
Hi everyone, Andy Nadarewistsch here from the Microsoft DPM and Azure backup team with quick support tip for you. When attempting an Azure backup, you may experience a problem where the backup job fails immediately with the following symptoms:
1. In Microsoft Azure Backup, you have a backup job that fails immediately with the following error:
Backup cannot be completed. Error: Operation failed.
The Error tab on the Job Details dialog will also contain the following:
Job failed with error (Operation failed. (0x1D4C2))
2. The CloudBackup Event Log contains an Event ID 11 similar to the one below:
Log Name: CloudBackup
Source: CloudBackup
Date: <Date/Time>
Event ID: 11
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Computer: <ServerName>
The backup operation has completed with errors.
Looking at details tab shows something similar to the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <CBJob><JobId>601c22e6-2283-487c-9d2f-7721ec21e1bf</JobId><JobType>Backup</JobType><JobStatus><JobState>Aborted</JobState><StartFileTime>130966313434530377</StartFileTime><EndFileTime>130966313434530377</EndFileTime><FailedFileLog></FailedFileLog><ErrorInfo><ErrorCode>120002</ErrorCode><DetailedErrorCode>-2147024773</DetailedErrorCode><ErrorParamList/></ErrorInfo><DatasourceStatus><CBDatasourceStatus><JobState>Aborted</JobState><LastCompletedJobState>Initializing</LastCompletedJobState><ErrorInfo><ErrorCode>120002</ErrorCode><DetailedErrorCode>-2147024773</DetailedErrorCode><ErrorParamList/></ErrorInfo><Datasource><DataSourceId>1377471703</DataSourceId><DataSourceName>D:\</DataSourceName></Datasource><ByteProgress><Total>0</Total><Changed>0</Changed><Progress>0</Progress><Failed>0</Failed></ByteProgress><FileProgress><CurrentFile></CurrentFile><Total>0</Total><Changed>0</Changed><Progress>0</Progress><Failed>0</Failed></FileProgress></CBDatasourceStatus></DatasourceStatus></JobStatus></CBJob>
3. The following exception appears in CBEngine.log:
7F28 11C0 01/08 19:30:13.086 18 dsmfsenumerator.cpp(150) [000000001A86EA60] 8A0B2420-2B0F-4AAF-AE82-2B0A04A0773B WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x8007007b] : FindFirstFile failed For Dir:\\?\D:\Scratch\\Scratch\*
7F28 11C0 01/08 19:30:13.086 18 fsutils.cpp(2354) 8A0B2420-2B0F-4AAF-AE82-2B0A04A0773B WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x8007007b] : FindFirstFile failed for Path [\\?\D:\Scratch\\Scratch\], FileSpec [*]
The Cause
This issue typically occurs due to a double backslash (“ \\ ”) in the scratch location path in the registry.
The Fix
To fix this problem, modify the following registry keys to reflect the correct path of the scratch location:
HLKM\Software\Microsoft \Windows Azure Backup\Config\ScratchLocation
HLKM\Software\Microsoft \Windows Azure Backup\Config\CloudBackupProvider\ScratchLocation
Here are the steps:
1. Run Regedit.
2. Navigate to the following Registry keys:
HLKM\Software\Microsoft \Windows Azure Backup\Config\
HLKM\Software\Microsoft \Windows Azure Backup\Config\CloudBackupProvider\
3. In each registry key above, double-click the ScratchLocation value and remove the extra “\” in the path, or modify the path to reflect the correct location. Here’s what it would look like when fixing the paths shown in our screen shots above.
4. Once both registry keys have been edited, click OK and then retest the backup. At this point the backup job should complete successfully.
Hope this helps!
Andy Nadarewistsch | Senior Support Escalation Engineer | Microsoft
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