Did you know you can watch content offline using Stream's mobile apps? Using Stream for iOS and Android, you can continue to watch videos when network connectivity is limited, unavailable, or if you prefer to save cellular data.
Whether you want to catch up on training videos on an upcoming flight or you’d like to watch recordings of a meeting that you could not make in-person on your evening commute – Stream offline videos are a great way to take your content with you. Read more below to learn how to use this capability and how it works.
How to watch content offline
Once you’ve installed the mobile app from either the App Store or Google Play, sign into the app with your organization credentials. You may be prompted to complete multi-factor authentication steps during login if required by your IT department.
After you sign in, pick a video to make available offline. You may either pick a video from your watchlist, discover content that’s popular in your org, or search for a video using Stream’s deep-search capabilities.
Select the action sheet on the video and select “Make available offline.” The video will begin to download to your device and show a progress indicator over the thumbnail. You can pause and resume the download, as needed. Videos downloading or downloaded to your device are listed under “Offline videos.” Tap the video from anywhere in the app to watch offline.
How offline video playback works
Behind the scenes, the Stream mobile app player uses a content key to decrypt the video from Stream. All videos on Stream are encrypted with AES-128 encryption in-transit and 256-bit encryption at rest on the service. On the mobile device, the content key is encrypted and stored use the mobile OS secure key storage provider: KeyChain on iOS and KeyStore on Android. Other apps cannot access or read the key so content always remains encrypted and undecipherable in local and removeable storage on mobile devices.
Learn more about offline videos and share feedback
You can learn more about Stream and offline videos in our public documentation.
Have feedback for our team? We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to us at streamiosstore@microsoft.com for iOS feedback or streamandstore@microsoft.com for Android feedback.
Updated Feb 27, 2019
Version 7.0Dwyane George
Joined February 15, 2018
Microsoft Stream Blog
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