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SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Blog

General availability of Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Synapse Analytics

Chunhua's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 14, 2023

Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime is now generally available in Azure Synapse Analytics. You can use Azure-SSIS Integration Runtime (IR) and Execute SSIS package activity in Azure Synapse Analytics.


An Azure-SSIS IR in Azure Synapse Analytics supports

  • Running packages deployed into SSIS catalog (SSISDB) hosted by Azure SQL Database server/Managed Instance (Project Deployment Model)
  • Running packages deployed into Azure Files (Package Deployment Model)


Create an Azure-SSIS integration runtime

  1. In the Synapse workspace portal, switch to the Manage tab and then switch to the Integration runtimes to view existing integration. Select New to create a new Azure-SSIS IR and open the Integration runtime setup pane


  1. In the Integration runtime setup pane, select the Lift-and-shift existing SSIS packages to execute in Azure tile, and then select Continue.


  1. For the remaining steps to set up an Azure-SSIS IR, see the Provision an Azure SSIS integration runtime process.


Execute SSIS Package activity in Synapse pipelines

You can deploy your packages into Azure Files (Package Deployment Model).

If you use SSISDB (Project Deployment Model), you can deploy your packages into SSISDB hosted in Azure SQL Managed Instance or Azure SQL Database with the Deployment Wizard. In the Select Deployment Target stepchoosing SSIS in Azure Synapse Analytics. Then enter the destination server name (Azure SQL Database or Azure SQL Managed Instance) where the project will be located in the Integration Services Catalog. 


In both cases, you can also run your deployed packages on Azure-SSIS IR by using the Execute SSIS Package activity in Synapse pipelines. For more information, see Invoke SSIS package execution as a first-class activity.


Limitations and known issues 

Below features are not available in Azure Synapse Analytics:

Updated Feb 14, 2023
Version 1.0
  • j500sut's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Chunhua, I've already raised a ticket with microsoft support: 2303200050002466 but they haven't provided any suggestions on resolving this so far.

  • TomPBA's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Chunhuathanks for the response, resolved the issue with help from the team - workaround was adding &feature.enableSynapseSsisIr=true into URL to enable.


  • j500sut Thank you for the feedback. Would you help open a support ticket? so that we can further troubleshoot with you? Thank you. 

  • TomPBA Thank you for the feedback. Cannot enable for Existing workspace, it is a bug. Should be fixed. Would you help open support ticket if you still face the same? 

  • j500sut's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I'm receiving the following error when setting up an Execute SSIS package activity in Azure Synapse. Can you provide any input for this?


    Fetching your folders/projects/packages/environments from SSISDB failed: {"_body":{},"status":0,"ok":false,"statusText":"Unknown Error","headers":{},"url":"<subscriptionId>/resourcegroups/<resource group>/providers/Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/<workspace name>/integrationruntimes/<integration runtime name>/getObjectMetadata"} Please retry later or enter them manually


  • TomPBA's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Glad to see this feature has gone GA - Chunhua does this apply to Synapse Analytics instances in all regions, or is it region specific? 

    After clicking "New" under Manage>Integration runtimes the Synapse Analytics instance I'm working on at the moment only shows the following integration runtime setup options:
    - Azure

    - Self-Hosted


    From the post above, I expected to see the following:

    - Azure, Self-hosted

    - Azure-SSIS


    Any hints?






    Scratch that, I've just spun up a new Synapse Analytics workspace to test, and it has the new functionality. I can't find a way to update my existing workspace to enable the new functionality though, so could still do with some help!