SRSv2 is comprised of quality and reliability fixes. Release notes have been updated on here.
November 1st Note: There has been an issue reported with script and 4....
actually after this update, i just notice again for 1 TV display room - whenever i share my screen using the smartdock to those who join skype using laptop and smartdock rooms with 2 TV display , my screen on them is a bit small and have black gap for laptop and for the other site also is small . Compare when a laptop share his screen. This update messed up our rooms :( is there a away to get the previous update and im gonna ask our sys ad team to block the microsoft store :(
1 TV room > sharing presentation to laptop and 2 TV rooms receive my share screen as the below for the 2 photo. The 3rd photo is the normal laptop sharing . resolution 1920x1080 for all TV .
2 TV rooms receives screen sharing from 1 TV
screen sharing from 1 TV rooms using smartdock receive by laptopnormal screen share using laptop