Submitted by Antenehe Temteme, Microsoft
This script will perform the following actions:
1. Create Active Directory users
2. Enable those users for Lync Server 2010
3. Create health monitoring configuration for use with synthetic transactions when they are run from System Center Operations Manager (SCOM)
Copy the following script, paste it into Notepad (or your favorite script editor), and save it as CreatandConfigureSTUsers.ps1. (You can choose a different name, just be sure to use that name when calling the script; see the Usage section below.)
[string] $domainFqdn = $(Read-Host -prompt "Plaese Enter Domain FQDN"),
[string] $poolFqdn = $(Read-Host -prompt "Plaese Enter Pool FQDN"),
[string] $userPrefix = $(Read-Host -prompt "Plaese Enter User Prefix"),
[string] $OUname,
[switch] $EnableEnterpriseVoice = $false,
[string] $User1telURI,
[string] $User2telURI
Import-Module Lync
# This function takes Pool FQDN and returns the Pool's short name
function GetPoolShortName([string]$poolFQDN)
if(-not([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($poolFqdn)) -and $poolFqdn.Contains(".") )
[int] $index=$poolFqdn.IndexOf('.')
$poolName =$poolFqdn.SubString(0,$index)
$(throw "Pool FQDN can not be Empty or Pool FQDN is not in a valid format")
# This function accepts the Identity of user and registrar pool and enables the user for Lync Server
function EnableUserforLS([string]$Identity,[string]$RegistrarPoolFQDN)
Enable-CsUser -Identity $Identity -RegistrarPool $poolFqdn -SipAddressType UserPrincipalName
$( throw "Exception encountered when trying to enable user for Lync Service " -f $_.Exception.ToString())
# This function accepts pool FQDN, first and second user sip uris and creates health monitoring configuration
function CreateHealthMonitoringConfiguration([string]$poolFQDN,[string]$firstUserSipURI,[string]$secondUserSIPURI)
New-CsHealthMonitoringConfiguration $poolFqdn -FirstTestUserSipUri $firstUserSipURI -SecondTestUserSipUri $secondUserSIPURI
$(throw "Exception encountered when trying to create health monitoring configuration " -f $_.Exception.ToString())
# This function accepts pool FQDN and verifies whether the pool is capable of hosting users or not
function CheckPoolValidity($poolFQDN)
$(throw "Pool FQDN can not be Empty.")
foreach($cluster in $topo.Clusters)
[string] $pool=$cluster.Fqdn
if($pool.ToLower() -eq $poolFqdn.ToLower())
$registrarService = $cluster.InstalledServices[[Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Core.RoleName]::Registrar]
return (($registrarService -ne $null) -and ($registrarService.IsDirector -eq $false))
# Takes OUDN and User prefix and creates Disabled AD users, Enables the users for Lync Server for a pool and creates health
# monitoring configuration
function CreateADUserandEnableForLS([string]$OuDN , [string]$userName,[string]$lineURI)
$ldpPath= "LDAP://" + $OuDN
$container= [ADSI]$ldpPath
$usercommonName= "CN=" + $userName
$newUser = $container.Create("User",$usercommonName )
$newUser.Put("sAMAccountName", $userName)
$newUser.Put("name", $userName)
$dsecription= "ST Test Account " + $userName + "for " + $poolName
$newUser.put("description", $dsecription )
$newUser.put("sAMAccountName", $userName)
$newUser.put("givenName", $userName)
$newUser.put("userPrincipalName", $userName + "@" + $domainFqdn )
$newUser.psbase.InvokeSet("AccountDisabled", $false)
$Identity=$usercommonName + "," + $OuDN
EnableUserforLS $Identity $poolFQDN
# Takes pool FQDN and checks if health monitoring configuration exists for the pool or not
function HealthMonitoringConfigurationNotExists([string]$poolFqdn)
foreach($hm in $hms)
if($hm.Identity -eq $poolFqdn)