First published on MSDN on Jan 18, 2019
Step by Step Server-to-server storage replication with Windows Server 2019 Storage Replica Robert Smit is a EMEA Cloud Solution Architect at and is a current Microsoft MVP Cloud and Datacenter as of 2009. Robert has over 20 years experience in IT with experience in the educational, health-care and finance industries. His past IT experience in the trenches of IT gives him the knowledge and insight that allows him to communicate effectively with IT professionals. Follow him on Twitter @Clustermvp . |
Cosmos Graph database - Big Data processing with Azure Data Factory, Functions and Azure Event Grid Abhishek Kumar works as an Integration Consultant at Datacom New Zealand. His main expertise is in Azure and Microsoft BizTalk Server. He is currently working on Microsoft new offerings, such as Logic Apps, Azure functions, PowerBI and API Apps. He is the author of Robust Cloud Integration with Azure , which is featured on Packt. Follow him on Twitter @abhishekcskumar . |
Writing a Blazor APP David Pine is a Technical Evangelist and Microsoft MVP working at Centare in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. David's passion for learning has led to his desire to give back to the developer community. David is a technical blogger, whose blogs have been featured on , msdn webdev and msdn dotnet . David is active in the developer community, speaking at technical conferences, contributing to popular open-source projects , serving as a mentor and giving back to . Follow him on Twitter @davidpine7 . |
Securing your Azure environment: what can we learn from the Marriott hack? Maarten Goet has been a Microsoft MVP since 2007 and became a MS Regional Director in 2015. As a featured speaker on Microsoft-oriented conferences, Maarten likes to share the knowledge and experience from his day job in security and how Microsoft technologies can keep you safe. He is also the founder of Experts Live, a global non-profit community initiative that organizes IT conferences in over 15 countries worldwide. Maarten lives in The Netherlands. Follow him on Twitter @maarten_goet . |
Updated May 03, 2019
Version 3.0MVP_Award_Team
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Joined March 13, 2019
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