Integrate Power BI Deployment Pipelines with Azure DevOps
Marc Lelijveld is a Data Platform MVP, Power BI enthusiast, and public speaker who is passionate about anything which transforms data into action. Currently employed as a Data & AI consultant in The Netherlands, Marc is often sharing his thoughts, experience, and best-practices about Microsoft Data Platform with others. For more on Marc, check out his blog.
Asma Khalid is an Entrepreneur, ISV, Product Manager, Full Stack .Net Expert, Community Speaker, Contributor, and Aspiring YouTuber. Asma counts more than 7 years of hands-on experience in Leading, Developing & Managing IT related projects and products as an IT industry professional. Asma is the first woman from Pakistan to receive the MVP award three times, and the first to receive C-sharp corner online developer community MVP award four times. See her blog here.
A first look at using Filters for devices as conditions in Azure AD Conditional Access policies
Kenneth van Surksum is an Enterprise Mobility MVP from The Netherlands. Kenneth a works as a modern workplace consultant at Insight24 and is specialized in building modern workplace solutions on top of Microsoft 365. Kenneth is co-founder of the Windows Management User Group Netherlands (WMUG_NL), which was recently rebranded to the Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands, and organizes (virtual) community meetings on a regular basis. Kenneth loves to speak about technical topics related to his daily work. Kenneth is Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) and has multiple certifications, he has received the MVP and VMware vExpert award multiple times. For more, check out Kenneth’s Twitter @kennethvs
Teams Real Simple with Pictures: Getting Hands-on with Perspectives
Chris Hoard is a Microsoft Certified Trainer Regional Lead (MCT RL), Educator (MCEd) and Teams MVP. With over 10 years of cloud computing experience, he is currently building an education practice for Vuzion (Tier 2 UK CSP). His focus areas are Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 and entry-level Azure. Follow Chris on Twitter at @Microsoft365Pro and check out his blog here.
Microsoft Viva Insights: Home-tab
Vesku Nopanen is a Principal Consultant in Office 365 and Modern Work and passionate about Microsoft Teams. He helps and coaches customers to find benefits and value when adopting new tools, methods, ways or working and practices into daily work-life equation. He focuses especially on Microsoft Teams and how it can change organizations' work. He lives in Turku, Finland. Follow him on Twitter: @Vesanopanen
Published Jun 18, 2021
Version 1.0JeffreyMVP
Bronze Contributor
Joined May 26, 2020
Microsoft MVP Program Blog
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