Build your own random Twitter Bot by Azure Logic Apps and Azure Table Storage
Noriyuki Takei is an Azure MVP from Japan who specializes in Azure Cloud Native Service. An avid writer, Noriyuki posts about 100 blogs annually to present technical information at Azure Communities for all beginners of Azure. For more, check out Noriyuki’s Twitter @Noriyukitakei
GitHub Actions & Security: Best practices - Forking Action repositories
Rob Bos is a Developer Technologies MVP and DevOps consultant from The Netherlands. Rob is typically working with anything DevOps related to improve flow. As a Global DevOps Bootcamp team member, he loves to automate large setups for the yearly event and uses any tool to get things done. For more on Rob, check out his Twitter @robbos81
Load test with Apache JMeter™ against Azure Media Services
Kuniteru Asami is an Azure MVP and core staff member of the Japan Azure User Group. Kuniteru has been providing technical consulting for Microsoft Azure for more than 10 years since its initial release. Moreover, the Japanese Azure expert is the CEO of a company with six Azure MVPs on its staff. Follow him on Twitter @kunyami
Step by Step Azure Stack Edge – Azure Data Box Gateway for a Hybrid Cloud
Robert Smit is a EMEA Cloud Solution Architect at and is a current Microsoft MVP Cloud and Datacenter as of 2009. Robert has over 20 years experience in IT with experience in the educational, health-care and finance industries. Robert’s past IT experience in the trenches of IT gives him the knowledge and insight that allows him to communicate effectively with IT professionals. Follow him on Twitter at @clusterMVP
How to make your Teams bots richer with markdown
Vesku Nopanen is a Principal Consultant in Office 365 and Modern Work and passionate about Microsoft Teams. He helps and coaches customers to find benefits and value when adopting new tools, methods, ways or working and practices into daily work-life equation. He focuses especially on Microsoft Teams and how it can change organizations' work. He lives in Turku, Finland. Follow him on Twitter: @Vesanopanen
Published Feb 12, 2021
Version 1.0JeffreyMVP
Bronze Contributor
Joined May 26, 2020
Microsoft MVP Program Blog
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