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Microsoft Sentinel Blog

Upcoming changes to the CommonSecurityLog table

edilahav's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Oct 25, 2022

On February 28th 2023 we will introduce changes to the CommonSecurityLog table schema. This means that custom queries will require being reviewed and updated. Out-of-the-box contents (detections, hunting queries, workbooks, parsers, etc.) will be updated by Microsoft Sentinel.

Data that has been streamed and ingested before the change will still be available in their former columns and formats. Old columns will therefore remain in the schema.

Why are we making this change

  • Several fields, previously defined to be of type Integer, were updated in the ArcSight CEF standard revision, to be of other types. By changing the column data types from System.Int32 to System.Int64, we will allow larger values to populate the column that would have been with the previous data type when their length exceeded the column limit.
  • We are fixing escaped characters: CEF requires escaping for special characters such as the equal sign and the backslash to be valid. Up to this maintenance work, the backslash escaping character was not removed from events streaming into the CommonSecurityLog table. This escaping character will now be removed before the event is ingested and stored in the table. 

EventOutcome, Reason and DeviceEventCategory previously were key-value pairs located in column. Now, as they will have their own column, it will be easier to query on those fields and this will reduce text by removing those key values.

Summary of changes

Current Column Name

Column Data Type

New Column Name 

New Column Data Type
























Formerly located in AdditionalExtensions




Formerly located in AdditionalExtensions




Formerly located in AdditionalExtensions


New columns change will start rolling out on October 25 and will be fully deployed by Nov 1 meaning that after this date it will be possible to test and update custom queries. Updates must be completed between Nov 1 and February 27 2023.


Samples of existing versus new queries



Example for Reason and EventOutcome (new columns, this information was in AdditionalExtensions before):




| where DeviceVendor == "Zscaler" and DeviceProduct == "NSSWeblog"

| extend reason = extract(@"reason=(.*?);", 1, AdditionalExtensions),

     outcome = extract(@"outcome=(.*?);", 1, AdditionalExtensions)




| where DeviceVendor == "Zscaler" and DeviceProduct == "NSSWeblog"

| extend reason = coalesce(

                            extract(@"reason=(.*?)(;|$)", 1, AdditionalExtensions),                            

                            column_ifexists("Reason", "")


   outcome = coalesce(

                        extract(@"outcome=(.*?)(;|$)", 1, AdditionalExtensions),                           

                        column_ifexists("EventOutcome", "")



Example for fieldDeviceCustomNumber1, fieldDeviceCustomNumber2 and fieldDeviceCustomNumber3:




    | where DeviceVendor == "Palo Alto Networks" and DeviceProduct == "PAN-OS" and Activity == "TRAFFIC"

    | extend


, NetworkSessionId=tostring(DeviceCustomNumber1)

, NetworkDuration=toint(1000*DeviceCustomNumber3)





    | where DeviceVendor == "Palo Alto Networks" and DeviceProduct == "PAN-OS" and Activity == "TRAFFIC"

    | extend

NetworkPackets = coalesce(

          tolong(column_ifexists("fieldDeviceCustomNumber2", long(null))),



      , NetworkSessionId = coalesce(

          tostring(column_ifexists("fieldDeviceCustomNumber1", long(null))),



      , NetworkDuration= coalesce(

          toint(1000*column_ifexists("fieldDeviceCustomNumber3", 0)),





If you want to test your queries, remember you can use the datatable operator to create dummy data.

Recommended Actions

If you don’t have the CommonSecurityLog table in your workspace, this schema change will not impact your workspace and SOC operations.

If you do, you should:

  • Use the latest version of our out-of-the-box artifacts. Make sure you update your workbooks, analytics, parsers and solutions to the latest version.
  • Review your custom queries to check if the affected columns are present. You’ll need to look for custom content and queries which are affected by the schema changes listed in the table above.
  • We recommend to review: Custom Analytics Rules, Workbooks, Playbooks, Custom functions, custom hunting queries.

How to test the changes in the custom content?

As soon as the schema change will be deployed in the workspace, custom content can be converted to include the changes as shown in the above examples.

The challenge is the fact that the new columns will remain empty until the change that will be deployed on February 28th, 23. To enable testing, in non-Prod Sentinel workspaces, after the schema change we suggest to use Data Collection Rule to mimic data flow into the new columns in the CommonSecurityLog schema.

This will enable the updated custom queries to fetch data both from the previous and new columns simulating the table after the full schema change.

Following is the KQL for the DCR creation:


| extend ExtID = tostring(ExternalID)

| extend FieldDeviceCustomNumber1 = tolong(DeviceCustomNumber1)

| extend FieldDeviceCustomNumber2 = tolong(DeviceCustomNumber2)

| extend FieldDeviceCustomNumber3 = tolong(DeviceCustomNumber3)

| extend Reason = (extract(@"reason=(.*?)(;|$)", 1, AdditionalExtensions))

| extend EventOutcome = (extract(@"outcome=(.*?)(;|$)", 1, AdditionalExtensions))

| extend DeviceEventCategory = (extract(@"cat=(.*?)(;|$)", 1, AdditionalExtensions))


For further information on how to use create and deploy Data Collection Rules please review the following documentation for Microsoft Sentinel pipeline transformation and KQL transformation guidance




















Updated Dec 09, 2022
Version 2.0
  • ab1540 

    Hi Agris, 28th of Feb was the date we gradually started the deployment process, it will be available on all public cloud over the next couple of weeks.

  • AndrePKI's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Hi neelam_n 

    There are differences between data I receive through MicroFocus Logger and the CommonSecurityLog schema.

    For instance column name versus CEF Key name and spelling and case of names. This is important as KQL is case sensitive.

    E.g. (bold=CEF, first key name, then full name; italic is CSL)

    DeviceAction versus act versus deviceAction

    ApplicationProtocol versus app versus applicationProtocol


    and also differences in data types

    DeviceTranslatedAddress(string) versus destination Translated Address versus device Translated Address (IPv4 address)

    DestinationMACAddress(string) versus dmac versus destinationMacAddress(MAC Address)

    StartTime(string) versus start versus startTime(DateTime)


    For these examples it will fit as the CEF datatype can always be put in a string.

    But these are more dangerous:

    DeviceCustomNumber1(int) versus cn1 versus deviceCustomNumber3(long) (as I think an int is 32 bits and a long is 64)

    ExternalID(int) versus externalId versus externalId(string[40]) (a string of potential length 40 chars will never fit in an int.)


  • ab1540's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    Is deadline February 28, 2023 still valid?

    It's March 7, 2023 already, but new data still comes into the old columns, and new columns are empty.


    Does it depend on some action to be done on customer's  side to switch over?


    Best regards,


  • AndrePKI's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Hi edilahav, when you refer to "ArcSight CEF standard revision", are you then referring to version 25 of 2017? (Can be found here)

    I can't seem to find anything more recent than that.

    Still there are discrepancies between the CommonSecurityLog schema and the MicroFocus/ArcSight specification. Could there be an addition to the schema documentation to provide a mapping between the two, please?