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Microsoft Security Blog

Specifying the TS Client Start Location on the Virtual Desktop

MicrosoftSecurityandComplianceTeam's avatar
Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Sep, 02 2008

The location on the virtual desktop where the TS Client initially positions itself can be controlled via the winposstr setting in the RDP file (Default.rdp or any other custom RDP file that you use).

An example winposstr is:


So, let’s break it down and see what each field means:


The first field is always set to zero. Next, the ShowCmd field can be set to one of the following two values:

Value Meaning
1 Displays the TS Client as using the virtual desktop-relative coordinates specified in the Left, Top, Right and Bottom fields.

Displays the TS Client as a maximized window.

The Left, Top, Right and Bottom fields are the coordinates which specify where the TS Client window must be positioned on the local desktop when it is not maximized.

Closely related to winposstr is the screen mode id RDP file setting. This field can be set to one of the following two values:

Value Meaning
1 Start the TS Client in “windowed” mode.
2 Start the TS Client in “full-screen” mode.

An example screen mode id is:

screen mode id:i:1

If the screen mode id is set to use the full screen, the winposstr value helps to determine which monitor the client will start on by choosing the monitor with the largest area of intersection with the rectangle specified by the Left, Top, Right and Bottom fields.

Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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