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Microsoft Defender for Cloud Blog

Notable Events in Azure Security Center

YuriDiogenes's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Mar 04, 2018

Security Center uses the Microsoft Monitoring Agent to collect various security related configurations and events from your machines and stores these events in your workspace(s). Examples of such data are: operating system logs (Windows event logs), running processes, and events from security solutions integrated with Security Center. The built-in notable events are:


Distinct malicious IP addresses accessed
union isfuzzy=true (WireData | where Direction == 'Outbound'), (WindowsFirewall | where CommunicationDirection == 'SEND'), (CommonSecurityLog | where CommunicationDirection == 'Outbound') | where isnotempty(MaliciousIP) | summarize by MaliciousIP


Computers with detected threats
ProtectionStatus | summarize (TimeGenerated, ThreatStatusRank) = argmax(TimeGenerated, ThreatStatusRank) by Computer | where ThreatStatusRank > 199 and ThreatStatusRank != 470


Computer with guest account logons
SecurityEvent | where EventID == 4624 and TargetUserName == 'Guest' and LogonType in (10, 3) | summarize count() by Computer


High priority Active Directory assessment security recommendations
let schemaColumns = datatable(TimeGenerated:datetime, RecommendationId:string)[]; union isfuzzy=true schemaColumns, (ADAssessmentRecommendation | where FocusArea == 'Security and Compliance' and RecommendationResult == 'Failed' and RecommendationScore>=35) | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by RecommendationId


High priority SQL assessment security recommendations

let schemaColumns = datatable(TimeGenerated:datetime, RecommendationId:string)[]; union isfuzzy=true schemaColumns, (SQLAssessmentRecommendation | where FocusArea == 'Security and Compliance' and RecommendationResult == 'Failed' and RecommendationScore>=35) | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by RecommendationId


Members added To security-enabled groups

SecurityEvent | where EventID in (4728, 4732, 4756) | summarize count() by SubjectAccount


Domain security policy changes

SecurityEvent | where EventID == 4739 | summarize count() by DomainPolicyChanged


Computers with system audit policy changes

SecurityEvent | where EventID == 4719 | summarize count() by Computer


Suspicious executables

SecurityEvent | where EventID == 8002 and Fqbn == '-' | summarize ExecutionCountHash=count() by FileHash | where ExecutionCountHash <= 5


Computers missing critical updates

Update | where UpdateState == 'Needed' and Optional == false and Classification == 'Critical Updates' and Approved != false | summarize count() by Computer


Low priority AD assessment security recommendations

let schemaColumns = datatable(TimeGenerated:datetime, RecommendationId:string)[]; union isfuzzy=true schemaColumns, (ADAssessmentRecommendation | where FocusArea == 'Security and Compliance' and RecommendationResult == 'Failed' and RecommendationScore<35) | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by RecommendationId


Low priority SQL assessment security recommendations

let schemaColumns = datatable(TimeGenerated:datetime, RecommendationId:string)[]; union isfuzzy=true schemaColumns, (SQLAssessmentRecommendation | where FocusArea == 'Security and Compliance' and RecommendationResult == 'Failed' and RecommendationScore<35) | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by RecommendationId


Accounts failed to log on

SecurityEvent | where EventID == 4625 | summarize count() by TargetAccount


Locked accounts

SecurityEvent | where EventID == 4740 | summarize count() by TargetAccount


Change or reset passwords attempts

SecurityEvent | where EventID in (4723, 4724) | summarize count() by TargetAccount


Security groups created or modified

SecurityEvent | where EventID in (4727, 4731, 4735, 4737, 4754, 4755) | summarize count() by TargetAccount


Remote procedure call(RPC) attempts

SecurityEvent | where EventID == 5712 | summarize count() by Computer


User accounts created or enabled

SecurityEvent | where EventID in (4720, 4722) | summarize by TargetAccount


Computers with users added to a Linux group

Syslog | where Facility == 'authpriv' and SyslogMessage has 'to group' and (SyslogMessage has 'add' or SyslogMessage has 'added') | summarize by Computer


Computers with new Linux group created
Syslog | where Facility == 'authpriv' and SyslogMessage has 'new group' | summarize count() by Computer


Computers with failed Linux user password change
Syslog | where Facility == 'authpriv' and ((SyslogMessage has 'passwd:chauthtok' and SyslogMessage has 'authentication failure') or SyslogMessage has 'password change failed') | summarize count() by Computer


Computers with failed ssh logons
Syslog | where (Facility == 'authpriv' and SyslogMessage has 'sshd:auth' and SyslogMessage has 'authentication failure') or (Facility == 'auth' and ((SyslogMessage has 'Failed' and SyslogMessage has 'invalid user' and SyslogMessage has 'ssh2') or SyslogMessage has 'error: PAM: Authentication failure')) | summarize count() by Computer


Computers with failed su logons
Syslog | where (Facility == 'authpriv' and SyslogMessage has 'su:auth' and SyslogMessage has 'authentication failure') or (Facility == 'auth' and SyslogMessage has 'FAILED SU') | summarize count() by Computer


Computers with failed sudo logons
Syslog | where (Facility == 'authpriv' and SyslogMessage has 'sudo:auth' and (SyslogMessage has 'authentication failure' or SyslogMessage has 'conversation failed')) or ((Facility == 'auth' or Facility == 'authpriv') and SyslogMessage has 'user NOT in sudoers') | summarize count() by Computer



Distinct clients resolving malicious domains
let schemaColumns = datatable(ClientIP:string)[]; union isfuzzy=true schemaColumns, (DnsEvents | where SubType == 'LookupQuery' and isnotempty(MaliciousIP)) | summarize count() by ClientIP


Computers with web vulnerabilities
SecurityBaselineSummary | where PercentageOfPassedRules < 100 and BaselineType == "Web" | summarize count() by Computer


You can create your own notable event, and add on top of the built-in ones. Read Creating Custom Notable Event in Azure Security Center for more information on that. Notable events can also appear as contextual information in a Security Incident, read Exploring Notable Events in Security Incidents for more information on that.

Updated Oct 06, 2021
Version 3.0
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