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Microsoft Security Blog

Your Writing Teams Win Content Awards!

yvetteomeally's avatar
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Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Feb, 02 2009

[Today's post is provided by Steve Kaczmarek ]

This past week, 4 content products created and driven by your Configuration Manager writing and SDK teams received awards in the annual content competition sponsored by the Society for Technical Communication (STC) - Puget Sound Chapter.

STC is an international organization whose mission is to advance the theory and practice of technical communication across all user abilities and media so that both businesses and customers benefit from safe, appropriate, and effective use of products, information, and services. Its members include technical writers and editors, content developers, documentation specialists, technical illustrators, instructional designers, academics, information architects, usability and human factors professionals, visual designers, Web designers and developers, and translators - anyone whose work makes technical information available to those who need it. You can find more information about STC Puget Sound at their Web site: .

Microsoft had several entries in this year's competition, with 17 winning either Merit, Excellence, or Distinguished awards. Congratulations to the award winners in our writing team:

Excellence Award:

  • Software Updates Synchronization SuperFlow (Interactive Content Model) - Doug Eby, Senior Technical Writer, Configuration Manager
  • System Center Content Search Gadget - Chris Rees, Content Publishing Manager, System Center SDK

Merit Award:

  • Configuration Manager Feature Quizzes, a SilverLight application - Rob Stack, Technical Writer, Configuration Manager
  • System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Administrator's Companion (MSPress) - Steve Kaczmarek, Content Publishing Manager, Carol Bailey, Senior Technical Writer, Doug Eby, Senior Technical Writer, Jeff Gilbert, Senior Technical Writer, Rob Stack, Technical Writer, Cathy Moya, Senior Technical Writer

I'd also like to congratulate our partners in Windows NAP, Greg Lindsay and Allyson Adley, who not only won a Distinguished award for their Network Access Protection Design Guide, but also walked off with the "Best in Show" honors!

And congratulations to all the winning Microsoft entries!

You can find links for the winning content here:

- Steve Kaczmarek

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Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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