First published on CloudBlogs on Oct, 16 2012
Hey folks,
You may recall that a few months back we announced on a previous blog post about the official release of the Rights Protected Folders Explorer (RPFe) tool . As a follow-up to that, I wanted to point out that our friends and internal partners on the Microsoft Storage team who own File Classification Infrastructure (FCI) have just posted a great post on their team blog about how to configure FCI and RPFe to work together.
By using the features within FCI with the RPFe tool options, you can provide automated classification and rights management protection to any document files you have in your enterprise that are in non-Microsoft formats. It's a great way of providing rights protection using scripting and command-line options for documents that AD RMS does not directly support.
For all the details, see the new post by Keerthi Shankar on the Storage team's blog, Automatic RMS protection of non-MS Office files using FCI and Rights Protected Folder Explorer .
- Dan
Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0Azure Information Protection Team
Copper Contributor
Joined September 05, 2018
Microsoft Security Blog
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