First published on CloudBlogs on Mar 27, 2018
Hello everyone! We are excited to let you know that update 1803 for the Technical Preview Branch of System Center Configuration Manager has been released. Technical Preview Branch releases give you an opportunity to try out new Configuration Manager features in a test environment before they are made generally available. This month’s new preview features include:
Hello everyone! We are excited to let you know that update 1803 for the Technical Preview Branch of System Center Configuration Manager has been released. Technical Preview Branch releases give you an opportunity to try out new Configuration Manager features in a test environment before they are made generally available. This month’s new preview features include:
Streamlined Infrastructure
- Pull distribution points support cloud distribution points as source - Now you can set a cloud distribution point as a source for a pull distribution point.
- Partial download support in client peer cache to reduce WAN utilization - Client peer cache sources can now divide content into parts. These parts minimize the network transfer to reduce WAN utilization.
- Improvements to PXE-enabled distribution points – You can now configure a PXE-enabled distribution point to use a PXE responder service that supports IPv6 and does not require Windows Deployment Services (WDS).
Improvements in Software Center
- Custom tab for webpage in Software Center - You can now create a customized tab to open a webpage in Software Center
- Maintenance windows in Software Center - Software Center now displays the next scheduled maintenance window on the Installation Status tab.
Miscellaneous Improvements
- Enable third party software update support on clients - You can now enable configuration of 'Allow signed updates from an internal Microsoft update service location' policy and installation of Windows Software Update Services code signing certificates.
- Enable copy/paste of asset details from monitoring views – You can now enable copy/paste functionality in the asset details pane in deployment and distribution status monitoring views.
- Remote Control - When you are using remote control on a client with multiple monitors at different DPI scaling, the mouse cursor now correctly maps between the monitors.
- Configuration Manager Client
- Configuration Manager Console
- Configuration Manager OS Deployment
- Configuration Manager Server
Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0yvetteomeally
Joined August 30, 2016
Microsoft Security Blog
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