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Microsoft Security Blog

Things you need to know when using Windows Embedded Standard 2009

yvetteomeally's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Jan, 25 2010

[Today's post is provided by Levi Stevens ]

Last year we added support for the new Windows Embedded Standard 2009 platform to Configuration Manager 2007.  Until our online documentation at Tasks for Managing Configuration Manager Clients on Windows Embedded Devices is updated, we are bringing you the few key things that you need to know:

  1. Write Filters have been tested and are now supported with Windows Embedded Standard 2009. Please see the section Prerequisites when using the File Based Write Filter below for added details on filter exceptions needed when using write filters. These are necessary if you want the state to be preserved across system restarts. This applies to Windows XP Embedded as well.
  2. Windows Embedded Standard 2009 introduces support for Sysprep enabling Operating System Deployment feature support. See the General Prerequisites section below for requirements to use this feature.

We will follow up this with another blog post we are working on that will document how to extend Hardware Inventory to create collections and report on specific versions of Windows Embedded family operating systems.  So keep your eyes peeled.

Prerequisites for using the Configuration Manager 2007 Client on Windows Embedded Devices

Before you install and use the Configuration Manager 2007 client on devices running the Windows Embedded operating system, ensure that the following prerequisites are in place:

General Prerequisites

When building your Windows Embedded image in Microsoft Target Designer, ensure that the following components are included:

  • SCCM Client Prerequisite- Required to support installation of the client software
  • UDFS - Required for support using the operating system deployment capture CD with Windows Embedded Standard 2009
  • Sysprep - Required to support operating system deployment image capture (only available on Windows Embedded Standard 2009)
  • Users Control Panel - Required for users to use the Run Advertised Programs control panel applet
  • .NET Framework 2.0 or later - Required to use the Desired Configuration Management feature


The Configuration Manager 2007 advanced client prerequisites macro component is included Windows Embedded Standard 2009 and can be selected in Microsoft Target Designer. To install the Configuration Manager 2007 client on devices running Windows XP Embedded, you must first download the System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Advanced Client pre-requisites macro component for Windows XP Embedded from .

Prerequisites when using the File Based Write Filter

Configure the following exceptions if you want to use the File Based Write Filter (FBWF) to persist the state of the Configuration Manager 2007 client between device restarts.

Registry Exceptions

Configure the following registry exceptions using the Embedded Designer as you create your image:

  • HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftSMS
  • HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftCCM
  • HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinLogon - Configure this exception if you will be using task sequences to service the Configuration Manager 2007 client.

File Exceptions

Configure the following file exceptions using the File Based Write Filter after installing the Configuration Manager 2007 client:

  • %WINDIR%System32CCM
  • %WINDIR%System32Wbem
  • C:_TaskSequence - Configure this exception if you will be using task sequences to service the Configuration Manager 2007 client.

For detailed information about building images and configuring write filters, see your Windows Embedded documentation.

-- Levi Stevens

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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