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Microsoft Security Blog

Terminal Server Licensing/Gateway WMI Providers

MicrosoftSecurityandComplianceTeam's avatar
Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Sep, 15 2006


I am Nitin and I work as program manager in the Terminal Services team.

I would like to talk about the WMI provider that we have introduced for Terminal Services Licensing and Terminal Server Gateway.

In Longhorn server, we have introduced the support for a WMI provider for the Terminal Server Licensing role. Using this provider, Terminal Server Licensing admin can administer the License Server. Typically, the Terminal Server Licensing admin does the following tasks and all of these tasks are supported by this provider:

  • Activating, deactivating, reactivating the license server
  • Installing key packs
  • View details of licenses issued by given license server
  • Generate per user license usage reports

Admin can write scripts that use these interfaces and can perform the above server administration and management tasks.
For more information on the Terminal Server Licensing WMI provider, click here .

TS Gateway server (TSG) is a new role in Longhorn that allows you to establish secure remote connection to remote computers hosted on internal networks, over the internet.
In addition to the introduction of this role itself, we have introduced a WMI provider that can be used by the TSG admin to administrate, monitor and control TSG usage.
TSG admin does tasks as:

  • Creating access policies on TSG servers (these policies control user access to remote computers via Gateway);
  • Configuring TSG server (specifying max simultaneous connections etc.);
  • Configuring TSG server for load balancing scenarios; and
  • Monitoring and controlling active user connections via Gateway.

All these tasks are supported by WMI provider and more information on this can be viewed here .

We plan to enhance these providers in next milestones (viz. LH beta3 etc). We will try to add support for more admin tasks.

To make this more comprehensive, I would like to hear from you as what important admin tasks are missing from the above list that should be supported via WMI provider? Your feedback is highly appreciated.

Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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