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Microsoft Security Blog

R3 Client Computers Fail to Load Power Management Policy

yvetteomeally's avatar
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Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Sep, 08 2011

[ Brian Huneycutt provides today’s blog post]

An issue with the client patch process was recently discovered, which might lead to Configuration Manager 2007 R3 clients failing to load power policy.

Affected clients are those that have applied the Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 prerequisite hotfix for R3 (KB977384) followed by any of the later client hotfixes from the list below.  The cause of the issue has to do with un-versioned files (.MOF files in this specific case) added during the patch process.

The result is compilation of the wrong version of CollectionSettings.MOF on clients, removing data from the CCM_PowerConfig class that is required to process power policy.

Affected hotfixes:

2392488 : Advertisement is not scheduled to run on a System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 client if the client computer starts or awakens within the maintenance window

2444668 : Hotfix rollup for Asset Intelligence compatibility issues in System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 with other Microsoft volume license products: November 2010

2 481567 : Asset Intelligence "License 01A" report incorrectly reports the MSDN editions of Windows Server 2008 as Windows XP in System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 if MAK keys are used

If any of the 3 hotfixes above have been applied after the R3 prerequisite hotfix you will see errors similar to the following in the client PolicyEvaluator log file:

// Applying policy ABC0000F-{916a12bb-a67c-4602-a393-ee6972925a05} Failed to load policies from XML. Not found (Error: 80041002; Source: WMI) Bad policy dumped to C:WINDOWSsystem32CCMTempbadpolicy-SMS_ABC-ABC0000F-{916a12bb-a67c-4602-a393-ee6972925a05}-1.00-{1d0e0aab-4c97-426a-9f58-05b1b773ffeb}.txt Already sent a policy rule application failure status message within the last 6 hours, not sending. Failed to apply policy rule {1d0e0aab-4c97-426a-9f58-05b1b773ffeb}. The policy CCM_Policy_Policy4.PolicyID="ABC0000F-{916a12bb-a67c-4602-a393-ee6972925a05}",PolicySource="SMS:ABC",PolicyVersion="1.00" failed to compile. State has been set to 'Inactive' and policy will be rolled back. Failed to update policy CCM_Policy_Policy4.PolicyID="ABC0000F-{916a12bb-a67c-4602-a393-ee6972925a05}",PolicySource="SMS:ABC",PolicyVersion="1.00" //

Note the policyID and associated GUID's will vary from site to site.

The affected hotfixes listed above were re-released as of Tuesday April 26, 2011.  If you previously downloaded but have not installed one of these fixes, you should download the new version instead. Simply check the date modified on the file that was downloaded to compare dates.

If you have already installed one of the hotfixes and have clients that are unable to process power policy, you can recover using any of the following methods:

Method 1:

Install the updated version of an affected hotfix.  These hotfixes can be reapplied over prior installations to correct the MOF file issue.

In the case of KB2444668 (Asset Intelligence Hotfix Rollup), that is replaced by the most recent AI rollup, KB2536089

Method 2:

Manually correct the Power Management class in WMI.  The correct version of the MOF file is attached to this posting.  This file can be distributed to clients and compiled using a command line with the following syntax:

mofcomp <path to mof file>

The path should be one that is accessible to the local system account, and the command does need to be run with administrative rights.

Thank you,

-- Brian Huneycutt

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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