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Microsoft Security Blog

Nathan Barnett's Bio

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Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Apr, 01 2009

I am a technical writer on the Configuration Manager iX team where I'm the main writer for OSD, mobile device management, and security.  I have been a technical writer since 1999 and joined Microsoft in 2005. I came to technical writing from the "writer" side, having been a university English instructor before being lured into technology to earn my daily bread.  I have a Master's Degree in linguistics and literature from Kent State University.  The transition to technology was exciting and surprisingly comfortable.

Prior to coming to Microsoft, I developed database products for security and medical companies and served as the technical director for a Seattle startup that weathered the dot-gone years.  I also worked as an IT consultant and database administrator.

When not developing technical documentation, I'm either teaching English broadsword at my fencing school or studying 16 th century lute and part song.  My interests in history and language provide a pleasant counter-balance to the high-tech workday.

Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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