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Microsoft Security Blog

Migrating your localization settings from AIP to MIP

AdamBell's avatar
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Mar 25, 2020

With the announcement earlier this month that we plan to deprecate the AIP (classic) client and label management from the Azure Portal, customers are actively working to migrate their label management from the Azure Portal to the M365 Compliance portal. 


This is the aim whether your plan for Windows clients is to use the Azure Information Protection (AIP) unified labeling client , or use the Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) features built-in to Office Pro Plus. This isn't a concern For non-Windows platforms as they leverage the features built-in to our Office products.


As a recap, we discuss the strategic options for which client to use on Windows in our recent migrating to Unified Labeling webinar and the client comparison matrix in our Microsoft documentation.


After activating unified labeling one of the challenges your organization might have is the need to configure the localizations you had in AIP for MIP clients. The AIP CXE team has recently published a great blog post that can help you tackle this challenge. You can read the post here.



@Adam Bell  on behalf of the MIP and Compliance CXE team


Updated May 11, 2021
Version 5.0
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