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Microsoft Security Blog

Lunch Break, ep. 10: Professor Ed Lazowska (part 2)

Brad Anderson's avatar
Brad Anderson
Iron Contributor
Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Oct 29, 2015
In this week’s episode of the “Lunch Break” series , I conclude my discussion with Prof. Ed Lazowska from the University of Washington’s renowned Computer Science & Engineering department. In the final part of our drive we talk about:
  • Advice for parents raising kids that will join a hyper-technical workforce.
  • Is working at a grocery story or teaching sailing lessons a precursor of future success in the tech industry?
  • The difference between university students now vs. 10 years ago (aka the challenges of being fact-checked in real time during lectures).
  • The 1970’s were an era of very personal computing:  Doing late-night wysiwyg hyper-text text editing on a house-sized main-frame.
  • The tech industry has to address its pretty terrible diversity problems.
  • Just let this quote wash over you for a moment:  “ For many decades, we progressed in the filed by the profligate use of technology to simulate the future.  And, interestingly enough, that became much more difficult when mobile became the future.  And the reason is;  No amount of money could buy you that form factor 10 years ahead of time.  Whereas I could use a building-sized computer as a PC if I were able to spend the money or gain access some other way, but I couldn’t have the world in my pocket before there was many-megabit connectivity and devices that were a couple of inches wide/high.  So we lost that magic for a while – but we’re getting it back .”
  • If you care about changing the world you need to care about better computing.
Tune in next week for the conclusion of Season 1 with some outtakes that didn’t make the cut during the first couple weeks. You can subscribe to these videos here .
Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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