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Microsoft Security Blog

Known Issue: Secondary Site installation failure with Cumulative Update 2

yvetteomeally's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Jul, 02 2013

Updated 7/15/2013 -  We have released a hotfix that resolves this issue.  It is available for download here: .  Please follow the instructions in the KB article to install the hotfix.

Updated 7/5/2013 - see manual cleanup procedure

Updated 7/3/2013 - see workaround #1

We have confirmed an issue with Cumulative Update 2 (CU2) for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Service Pack 1 that affects new secondary site installations.

This issue does not affect upgrades of existing secondary sites, or any other aspects of the Configuration Manager hierarchy.

Problem Description and Symptoms

  1. You installed System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1.
  2. You applied the Cumulative Update 2 (KB2854009) in the hierarchy.
  3. You installed a new secondary site or tried to recover an old secondary site using the Installation Source Files option: “ Copy installation source files over the network from the parent site server ”.

The ConfigMgrSetup.log file will contain errors similar to the following after an installation attempt:


INFO: SQL Server Script: Creating object spupdatemessageactivity~

INFO: Configuring database replication tables..

*** [42000][50000][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Object 'PullDPResponse' does not exist : spConfigureReplication

ERROR: Failed to execute dbo.spConfigureReplication.

ERROR: Failed to configure SQL Server replication tables.



You can use either of the following workarounds to install a secondary site.

  1. Using the Create Secondary Site Wizard , change the Installation Source Files setting to another location, instead of the parent primary site.
    1. Create a shared folder with the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 CD and Redist folders. Download the prerequisite distributable files for the Configuration Manager installation and copy them to <SP1CDShare> SMSSETUPRedist . (update 7/3/2013:  Copy sqlncli.msi from redist folder to smssetupbinx64) For additional instructions see .
    2. Run the Create Secondary Site Wizard to install a secondary site.
    3. On the page Installation Source Files, choose “Use the source files at the following network location” , and specify the CD share folder.


  1. Replace the ReplicationConfiguration.xml file on the primary site with the original one from the SP1 CD.
    1. Find ReplicationConfiguration.xml on the SP1 CD, and overwrite the file on your primary site (<SMSROOT>binx64) with the version from the SP1 CD. WARNING: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE as editing will change the timestamp and prevent future servicing updates to the file.
    2. Restart the SMS_EXECUTIVE service.

You should be able to deploy the secondary site on a clean machine now.

If the secondary site installation has failed, you will need to manually clean up the following before you attempt to reinstall.  To do this:

  • Delete the SMS registry key on the secondary site machine - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftSMS
  • Delete the database created on the secondary site machine to ensure the data files are removed.
  • (update 7/5/2013) If the database is a SQL Express version, uninstall the "Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (64-bit)" from Add/Remove Programs (ARP).

Note: you still need to apply the Cumulative Update 2 on your secondary site after the installation.

We will update this blog entry with additional details when available. Thank you for your patience.

--Configuration Manager Sustained Engineering

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.

Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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