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Intune and EMS subscriptions now available in the Office 365 portal!

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Intune Team
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Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Sep 01, 2015
Updated May 26, 2016: We have now enabled all flows in the Office 365 management portal . Users who have not yet moved should do so at this time, as the Intune Account Portal will be retired shortly. Updated November 3rd, 2015: Most customers are now enjoying increased productivity using subscription management through the Office 365 portal.  However, we want all customers to have the best experience possible.  We are still working to improve the flows for activating Volume Licensing and Open subscriptions, and we will be waiting on fully retiring the Intune Account Portal until those are ready.  We highly suggest all existing customers move over to the O365 portal for everything else. Updated October 5th, 2015: In early September, we added support for Intune and Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) in the Office 365 management portal to help streamline management of your Microsoft subscriptions and announced that we would retire the Intune account portal in the coming weeks. All new direct purchases, including trial upgrades, will now be handled through the Office 365 management portal, whereas volume licensing and prepaid keys are still activated using the Microsoft Intune account portal. You will still be able to manage users, groups and existing subscriptions in both portals for now, but we suggest you begin to move to Office 365 for these activities.  We are now anticipating fully retiring the Intune portal on or after the end of October. Initial Post: We have received feedback from you asking for fewer portals to manage your Microsoft subscriptions. Based upon this feedback, we are merging the Microsoft Intune account portal with the Office 365 management portal to simplify your user experience. As an initial change, the Office 365 management portal now supports subscription management and license assignment for Intune and Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS). Until late September, you can continue to use the Intune account portal while you update your workflows and bookmarks. Following this transition period, the Office 365 management portal will be where you will manage subscriptions and license assignments. We anticipate retiring the Intune portal on or after September 28, 2015 and an in-service banner will be added to remind you of this change. For EMS customers who previously visited the Azure portal for user creation and license assignment, you can continue to use the Azure portal to take advantage of advanced features such as group license assignment.  Alternatively, you can begin assigning licenses while already managing other subscriptions in the Office 365 management portal.  There are no changes to the Azure portal or the Intune admin console as part of this migration. What functionality is now available in the Office 365 management portal?
  • Subscription activation, modification, renewal, cancellation, and invoicing
  • Domain setup and modification
  • User and license management, and admin role configuration
  • Direct partner functionality, including sending offers and delegation invitations
  • Service health status
  • Service request ticketing
As an existing Intune customer, what differences can I expect when using the Office 365 management portal?
  • User management has a new flow with more options and greater control when setting passwords
  • When setting up a new tenant, you'll find that subscription activation is a more guided experience and trial subscriptions no longer require a mailing address
  • Subscriptions with only a few users or recently created subscriptions can be cancelled
  • The domain setup wizard provides registrar-specific guidance for creating the required DNS records
  • The purchase tab lists all offers available for both Intune and Office
Does this mean that Intune will become part of Office 365? No, Intune is taking advantage of the Office management portal for managing subscriptions and assigning licenses but will remain a separate service. Update your favorites today! Goodbye Intune account portal: Hello Office 365 management portal:
Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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