First published on CloudBlogs on Nov, 01 2011
[Updated 12/02/2011]
Earlier today we released an updated version (found here ) of the Definition Update Automation Tool for Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 Update Rollup 1. This document provides steps for how to use this tool.
Important Note : We recommend installing the hotfix here if you are using the Definition Update Automation Tool.
Tool Description
With Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 Update Rollup 1, you now can deploy Forefront Endpoint Protection definition updates to clients by using the Configuration Manager console. There are multiple definition update releases per day, thus making it time-consuming to manually download and deploy each definition update through the Configuration Manager Console. The Definition Update Automation Tool can be used to automate the steps required to keep a deployment of Forefront Endpoint Protection update definitions up to date. The tool will download the latest definition update and update the specified software update deployment with the latest definition. Configuring this tool to run automatically with Windows Task Scheduler or via a Configuration Manager Status Filter Rule can keep a deployment up to date without continuous and repetitive manual processes.
To learn more about managing software updates click here .
Changes since the Last Release
This tool was first released with Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 Update Rollup 1. This release addresses a number of supportability issues, primarily around logging.
Bug Fixes:
- Removal of /RefreshDP switch, add new switch: /DisableRefreshDP
- Improved logic to skip updating the deployment package if no content change was detected
- Corrected the default update filter string so it will not retrieve superseded updates and enables functionality when custom updates published by System Center Update Publisher are present
Command line Usage
Command line usage
Usage: SoftwareUpdateAutomation.exe parameters
/Help: Get program usage
/SiteServer: Site server computer name
/UpdateFilter: Filter for selecting software updates that are used for the destination packages
/AssignmentName: Name of destination software updates assignment
/PackageName: Name of destination software update package
/DisableRefreshDP: Disable automatic propagation of updated package to Distribution Points
/Verbose: Enable additional logging.
Example command line
SoftwareUpdateAutomation.exe /AssignmentName FEPDeployment /Package FEP
This example will use local machine as Site Server and use the default UpdateFilter. It will add the latest Forefront Endpoint Protection definition update into Assignment “FEPDeployment” and Package “FEP” and refresh the Distribution Points if any updates were made to the deployment package.
How to use this tool
To run this tool, you must copy the binaries to the Admin UI bin folder:
- <ConfigMgr Install Dir> AdminUIbin
Now you can run this tool manually from a command line, or use Task Scheduler or a Status Filter Rule to run it automatically.
Note: This tool will only download the latest Forefront Endpoint Protection definition update and add it to the existing deployment and package. It will not synchronize the definition update into Configuration Manager. It is still necessary to run software update synchronization to synchronize the latest Forefront Endpoint Protection definition update into the Configuration Manager database before you run this tool. Please refer to How to Configure Software Updates Synchronization( ) for information on how to configure the software update synchronization. As a best practice, before you run this tool, always make sure that a scheduled software update synchronization has completed.
How to Use Definition Update Automation Tool with Task Scheduler
- Start Task Scheduler , and in the Actions pane, click Create Task .
- In the Create Task dialog box, give the task a name, and then, under Security Options , make sure that the user account specified has the appropriate Configuration Manager permissions to update the definition package and definition assignment specified in the command line. To make sure the program has the right to create log under %ProgramData%, check Run with highest privileges .
On the
tab, click
, and in the
New Action
dialog box, specify the following command line to run:
- <ConfigMgr Install Dir> AdminUIbinSoftwareUpdateAutomation.exe
In the
Add arguments
text box, enter the following arguments and then click
/AssignmentName AssignmentName /PackageName PackageName
Where AssignmentName is the name of the software deployment for the definitions which you recorded earlier and PackageName is the name of the software package that contains the definitions which you recorded earlier. Parameters are not case sensitive.
- On the Triggers tab, click New .
- In the New Trigger dialog box, under Settings , select Daily .
- Under Advanced settings , select the check box for Repeat task every , in the list click 8 hour , and then next to for a duration of , click Indefinitely .
- In the New Trigger dialog box, click OK , and then in the Create Task dialog box, click OK .
How to Use Definition Update Automation Tool with Status Filter Rule
Note: This is the recommended scheduling option as it allows the Definition Update Automation Tool to automatically run after a WSUS synchronization completes successfully.
- In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Site Management / <site name> / Site Settings / Status Filter Rules .
- Right-click Status Filter Rules , click New, and then click New Status Filter Rule .
On the
page of the
New Status Filter Rule Wizard
, specify a name for the new status filter rule and configure the following for the message-matching criteria:
- Set Source : Configuration Manager Server
- Message ID : 6702
- On the Actions page of the New Status Filter Rule Wizard, specify the following action:
- Run a program
- Program: <ConfigMgr Install Dir> AdminUIbinRunSoftwareUpdateAutomation.bat
Sample RunSoftwareUpdateAutomation.bat:
“ <ConfigMgr Install Dir> AdminUIbinSoftwareUpdateAutomation.exe” /AssignmentName ”AssignmentName” /PackageName “PackageName”
Note: It is recommended to put the Definition Update Automation Tool command line in a batch file to prevent problems with the quotes (“).
The status filter Rule runs the tool under the System account. To enable the tool to download, make sure the system account has the appropriate proxy settings. One option to configure the proxy settings for localsystem is to use the BITSAdmin Tool (for more information on the BITSAdmin Tool, click here ).
You can use the command: bitsadmin /util /setieproxy localsystem to set the proxy setting for system account. (eg: bitsadmin /util /setieproxy localsystem myproxy *
More information about scheduling
A proper schedule for software update point synchronization is necessary to keep your Forefront Endpoint Protection clients up-to-date. Below is the recommended setting for these schedules when using this tool:
Software update point synchronization to run every day.
In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Site Management / <site name> / Site Settings / Component Configuration .
Right-click Software Update Point Component , click Properties .
Click Sync Schedule Tab, check Enable Synchronization on a schedule , check Simple schedule and Run every 1 Days.
- Configure Definition Update Automation Tool to run every time software update point synchronization succeedes as described above in “How to Use Definition Update Automation Tool with Status Filter Rule”.
Additional considerations
There are four suggested Configuration Manager and Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 topologies: See . In this section, we will give suggestions on where to run this tool for each topology.
- Centralized policy control and centralized Forefront Endpoint Protection administration
Run this tool on each central site.
- Centralized policy control and decentralized Forefront Endpoint Protection administration
Run this tool on each child site. Note: the assignment and package you used for this tool must also be created on child site.
- Decentralized policy control and decentralized Forefront Endpoint Protection administration
Run this tool on each child site. Note: the assignment and package you used for this tool must also be created on child site.
- Decentralized policy control and Forefront Endpoint Protection administration with centralized Forefront Endpoint Protection reporting
Run this tool on each child site. Note: the assignment and package you used for this tool must also be created on child site.
SoftwareUpdateAutomation.log will always be the first place to investigate. The log file is located in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%.
You can use the parameter /Verbose to enable verbose logging.
When using Task Scheduler to run the tool, the task must be selected to run as highest privilege. Otherwise, no log file will be created.
Common Errors and Potential Workarounds
Error in SoftwareUpdateAutomation.log |
Possible Reason and Resolution |
Error:Error Downloading SourceURL…… Result: 12007 |
Verify that the proxy is set correctly. If you run the tool with domain user account, check the proxy with command: netsh winhttp show proxy; If you run the tool with system account (eg. You use Status Filter Rule to run the tool), check the proxy with command: bitsadmin /util /getieproxy localsystem. |
Cannot find the log |
The log is under %ProgramData% folder; If you run it on Windows 2003 Server, there is no %ProgramData% environment variable. You can always use %ALLUSERSPROFILE% to access the folder contains the log file. If you run the tool with a Task Sequence ensure that the user account used to run the tool has permission to create the log under that folder (and run as highest privilege is selected). Make sure the command line parameters are set correctly; otherwise no log will be created. |
How to Configure Configuration Manager for Forefront Endpoint Protection Update and Create Deployment Package and Assignment
- If needed, install Windows Server Update Services by using Server Manager. For more information, see How to Install Windows Server Update Services 3.0 in the Configuration Manager library on TechNet.
- If needed, add the software update point site system role to your Configuration Manager environment. For more information about how to add the software update point site system role, see How to Add the Software Update Point Site Role to a Site System in the Configuration Manager library on TechNet.
Configure software updates to download the appropriate updates, and configure the synchronization schedule. For steps on configuring the software updates site system role, see
How to Configure Software Updates Synchronization
in the Configuration Manager library on TechNet. When you configure software updates, ensure the following items are selected:
- On the Classifications tab, select Definition Updates .
- On the Products tab, select Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 .
- Create Deployment Package and Assignment
- In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Software Updates / Update Repository / Definition Updates / Microsoft / Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010
- In the details pane, click the most recent active Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 definition update (represented by a green icon),and then click Download Software Updates .
Create the definition update deployment package by completing the
Download Updates Wizard
for the selected update. When completing the wizard, ensure the following:
When finished with the
Download Updates Wizard
, click
- In the details pane, click the same Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 definition update from step 2, and then click Deploy Software Updates .
Deploy the definition updates by completing the
Deploy Software Updates Wizard
. When completing the wizard, ensure the following:
-- Jason Lewis
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties and confers no rights.
Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0yvetteomeally
Joined August 30, 2016
Microsoft Security Blog
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