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Microsoft Security Blog

Enterprise Mobility Successes: Healthcare - Jönköping County Council

Brad Anderson's avatar
Brad Anderson
Iron Contributor
Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Jan 22, 2015
Check out this new case study from a network of hospitals in Sweden The Jönköping County Council is a healthcare organization covering 3 hospitals and 45 care centers spread across 13 different areas. Their goal was to make their doctors and nurses as mobile and productive as possible. This meant having cloud-based identity and device management, data protection, and secure data access for phones and tablets. The Enterprise Mobility Suite was the answer. With EMS, a lot of traditional IT problems are solved right away; consider this quote from the case study:

Jönköping County Council didn’t want to add to its inventory of 900 servers or purchase several point products that each address only a single problem. So when the IT staff was introduced to the Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Suite by the county council’s Microsoft account team, it saw the value of the solution’s three cloud-based services – Microsoft Azure Active Directory Premium for identity management, Intune for mobile device and application management, and Azure Rights Management for information protection.

By combining SCCM with Intune, the IT team at Jönköping is more efficient than ever because they can use a single console to develop user-centric device and app management policies for their 11,000 domain-joined PCs and for the mobile devices used by doctors and nurses in the field. Previously they had used a different EMM tool and it was “frustrating to switch between two tools” to manage all the devices their users want to use. Now, a doctor can review all of the information gathered about a patient treated in a distant clinic from any location on his tablet or phone. This leads to streamlined care for the patient and reduced time and costs for the hospital. To read more about the solutions and benefits at Jönköping, you can read the full case study here . To read other EMS success stories, check out this post .
Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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