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Microsoft Security Blog

Deploy Azure RemoteApp collection to your Azure Virtual Network (with support for ExpressRoute)

MicrosoftSecurityandComplianceTeam's avatar
Sep 08, 2018
First published on CloudBlogs on Apr 23, 2015

We have listened to you and today I am pleased to announce a new feature based on your feedback . This feature gives you the ability to deploy hybrid Azure RemoteApp collections in your existing Azure Virtual Networks (VNET) rather than creating a separate Azure RemoteApp VNET. This also enables you to take advantage of the latest Azure VNET features such as ExpressRoute and gives your hybrid collections direct network access (and therefore better performance) to other Azure services and virtual machines deployed to that VNET.

This change is now live on the Azure Management portal . My name is Munindra Das from the Remote Desktop team and here I will walk you through the steps to use this feature.

Create an Azure VNET and join it to your Active Directory deployment

Go to the Network tab in the Azure Management portal to create an Azure VNET and connect it to your Active Directory deployment that is synchronized to your Azure Active Directory tenant. Your Active Directory deployment can reside within the VNET or simply have network connectivity to the VNET using a VPN tunnel or ExpressRoute circuit. If you have already done it, please skip to the next step.

More information on creating an Azure VNET is available here: .

Validate that the Azure VNET is ready for Azure RemoteApp

To validate the Azure VNET is ready for Azure RemoteApp, you can do the following:

  1. Create an Azure Virtual Machine inside the Subnet of the Azure VNET you want to use for Azure RemoteApp.
  2. Remote Desktop to the VM by clicking the Connect button.
  3. Join it to the same domain that you want to use for Azure RemoteApp.

If this succeeds, the Azure VNET and Subnet is ready for Azure RemoteApp.

Azure VNET Subnets with Forced Tunneling turned on are currently not supported with Azure RemoteApp collections.

Please ensure the Azure VNET Subnet has sufficient IP addresses available for the Azure RemoteApp collection. Recommended subnet size is at least /27 IP addresses.


More information on creating Azure Virtual Machine and connecting to it using Remote Desktop is available here - .

Creating Azure RemoteApp Collection in the Azure VNET

Using Azure Management Portal:

1) Create an Azure RemoteApp Collection with VNET.

2) At this point the collection should show up in the Azure RemoteApp Collection list.

3) Clicking on the collection should take you to the dashboard for the collection.

4) Click on the “link a VNET” link and select the Azure VNET and Subnet you want to use for the collection. Your Azure VNET and Subnet should show up in the drop down list for you to select.

5) Enter the Domain Join and Image information for the collection.

At this point the collection creation should start and you will have an Azure RemoteApp collection inside your own Azure VNET.

Using PowerShell:

Azure RemoteApp has PowerShell support to manage the service as described in this blog post - .

To create an Azure RemoteApp collection inside an Azure VNET using PowerShell, you can use this command:

1) Save the domain join credentials in a variable:


1) Create the collection:

New-AzureRemoteAppCollection -CollectionName <Collection Name> -ImageName <Image Name> -Plan <Billing Plan> -VNetName <Azure VNET Name> -SubnetName <Subnet Name> -Domain <Domain> -Credential $cred -Description <Description>

Example :

New-AzureRemoteAppCollection -Collectionname collwvnet -ImageName MyImage -Plan Standard -VNetName vnettest -SubnetName Subnet-1 –Domain -Credential $cred -Description "ARA collection in my VNET"

The collection creation should start and you will get a tracking ID to track progress.

We are excited to enable this new feature for our customers based on the requests we have received since Azure RemoteApp was launched in December. We encourage users of Azure RemoteApp to try out this new functionality and, if you have any feedback please send it our way via the Azure discussion forums . You can also submit feedback request on the Azure feedback site .

Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0
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