First published on CloudBlogs on Jul, 30 2014
Author: Cory Ferro, Program Manager, Enterprise Client and Mobility Windows Phone 8.1 has added a CSP to allow a GET request for the device’s International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), a unique identifier for a mobile device. Inventory collection of mobile device IMEIs is not enabled by default, however it is possible to retrieve the value of Configuration Service Providers (CSP) nodes through inventory, provided these nodes provide GET operations. The steps provided below show you how to define a new inventory class using MOF (which will use URIs for the nodes/properties of interest), and importing the new class into Configuration Manager. Refer to the Windows Phone 8.1 MDM protocol documentation for information on available CSPs and properties.
Author: Cory Ferro, Program Manager, Enterprise Client and Mobility Windows Phone 8.1 has added a CSP to allow a GET request for the device’s International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), a unique identifier for a mobile device. Inventory collection of mobile device IMEIs is not enabled by default, however it is possible to retrieve the value of Configuration Service Providers (CSP) nodes through inventory, provided these nodes provide GET operations. The steps provided below show you how to define a new inventory class using MOF (which will use URIs for the nodes/properties of interest), and importing the new class into Configuration Manager. Refer to the Windows Phone 8.1 MDM protocol documentation for information on available CSPs and properties.
Create a MOF file to import into Configuration Manager that will define the new inventory class
- Open notepad and copy the following text. Note: Exporting a MOF creates a MOF that explains the syntax used in a Hardware Inventory settings MOF. #pragma namespace ("\\.\root\cimv2") instance of __Namespace { Name = "SMS" ; }; #pragma namespace ("\\.\root\cimv2\SMS") instance of __Namespace { Name = "INV_TEMP" ; }; #pragma namespace ("\\.\root\cimv2\SMS\INV_TEMP") class SMS_Class_Template { }; [ SMS_Report (TRUE), SMS_Group_Name ("Device_CUSTOMINFO"), SMS_Class_ID ("MICROSOFT|DEVICE_CUSTOMINFO|1.0"), Namespace ("Reserved"), SMS_DEVICE_URI ("") ] class Device_CUSTOMINFO : SMS_Class_Template { [SMS_Report (TRUE), SMS_DEVICE_URI("WM:./Vendor/MSFT/DeviceInstanceService/IMEI")] String IMEI; };
- The new hardware inventory group will be called Device_CUSTOMINFO and the returned value will be named IMEI . These can be changed as needed.
Import the MOF file into Configuration Manager
- In the Admin Console, choose Administration > Client Settings .
- Right-click Default Client Settings and then choose Properties to. Click the Hardware Inventory tab and then click Set Classes… Note: This must be done from Default Client Settings as we are defining a new class.
- Click Import… , and then click the MOF file created earlier. After the file is processed, a new group representing the inventory class is created.
Creating a query to collect the IMEI from specified devices
In the Admin Console, click
Create Query.
- Enter a name for the Query, and then click Import Query Statement…
Click “All Mobile Devices”, and then click >
For the Object type, choose
System Resource
, and then click
Edit Query Statement...
Click the star (*) to add a new class, and then click
. For the
Attribute class
, click the newly imported class. For the
, click the new
IMEI Attribute
. This will add this attribute to the previously selected class to be queried. Click OK > OK .
Notice the Query criteria that will be shown in the query. Add and remove classes and attributes as needed.
Use the
Collection Limiting
section of the
Create Query Wizard
to limit the collection, if you need to limit the collection membership.
- View the summary, and then confirm and close the wizard.
- Scroll through the Queries window and click the new query.
- The device names should be visible, as well as the IMEIs.
Configuration Manager Resources
Documentation Library for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager
System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Forums
System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Survival Guide
System Center Configuration Manager Support
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Published Sep 08, 2018
Version 1.0yvetteomeally
Joined August 30, 2016
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