Blog Post

Microsoft Security Blog

Check out the Microsoft Graph Security sample application!

Preeti_Krishna's avatar
Aug 07, 2019

It’s easy to build rich security applications using the Microsoft Graph Security API. We built one to help demo the capabilities and have shared the sample code on GitHub so you can use it to kick start development of your own security app!


The sample app is designed to showcase some of the key scenarios enabled by the Microsoft Graph Security API. As you’ll see, data from across the organization is surfaced – from both Microsoft and third-party security solutions, in one simple dashboard. Users can easily drill down into specific alerts to get additional information and context, update alert status and add tags, pivot to view related alerts for a specific user or device, view detailed information about security recommendations, and much more.


Check out the video to see the sample app in action and what additional capabilities are available in the Microsoft Graph Security API.



Getting Started

Follow the steps below to get access to this sample app and try it on your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Refer to the sample app documentation for further details on the steps summarized below.

  1. Ensure prerequisites are set up before you download the sample code and build the app.
  2. Register this app in your Azure AD to meet Microsoft Graph auth requirements.
  3. Gain consent from your Azure AD administrator to view security data.
  4. Build and run the sample.
  5. Deploy the app to Azure.


Download the sample app from our GitHub repository and be sure to check out the documentation to get started today! Check out additional samples for more options to connect with the Microsoft Graph Security API. Please share your feedback by filing a GitHub issue.


Updated Aug 07, 2019
Version 1.0
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